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发布时间:2024-10-05 23:47:57

[单选题]Today is Jenny’s wedding day.She_______to Thomas.
A.just has got married
B.has just married
C.was just married
D.has just got married

更多"[单选题]Today is Jenny’s wedding day.S"的相关试题:

[Part III Reading Comprehension]

What does the author think of today's economic situation?

A.may worsen without further stimulation.
B.will see a rebound sooner or later.
C.has not gone from bad to worse.
D.does not give people reason for pessimism.
[单选题]It is reported in today′s newspaper thatwhoever helps to catch the robber will be offered a(n) ___________ of $10,000.
[单选题] Jenny could ( ) the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested.
A. take
B. repay
C. redeem
D. obtain
[单选题]Leading doctors today weigh in on the debate over the government's role in promoting public health by demanding that ministers impose“fat taxes”on unhealthy food and introduce cigarettestyle warnings to children about the dangers of a poor diet.The demands follow comments made last week by the health secretary,Andrew Lansley,who insisted the government could not force people to make healthy choices and promised to free businesses from public health regulations.But senior medical figures want to stop fastfood outlets opening near schools,restrict advertising of products high in fat,salt or sugar,and limit sponsorship of sports events by fastfood producers such as McDonald's.They argue that government action is necessary to curb Britain's addiction to unhealthy food and help halt spiraling rates of obesity,diabetes and heart disease.Professor Terence Stephenson,president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health,said that the consumption of unhealthy food should be seen to be just as damaging as smoking or excessive drinking.“Thirty years ago,it would have been inconceivable to have imagined a ban on smoking in the workplace or in pubs,and yet that is what we have now.Are we willing to be just as courageous in respect of obesity?I would suggest that we should be,”said the leader of the UK's children's doctors.Lansley has alarmed health campaigners by suggesting he wants industry rather than government to take the lead.He said that manufacturers of crisps and candies could play a central role in the Chang for Life campaign,the centerpiece of government efforts to boost healthy eating and fitness.He has also criticized the celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's highprofile attempt to improve school lunches in England as an example of how“lecturing”people was not the best way to change their behavior.Stephenson suggested potential restrictions could include banning TV advertisements for foods high in fat,salt or sugar before 9 pm and limiting them on billboards or in cinemas.“If we were really bold,we might even begin to think of highcalorie fast food in the same way as cigarettes—by setting strict limits on advertising,product placement and sponsorship of sports events,”he said.Such a move could affect firms such as McDonald's,which sponsors the youth coaching scheme run by the Football Association.Fastfood chains should also stop offering“inducements”such as toys,cute animals and mobile phone credit to lure young customers,Stephenson said.Professor Dinesh Bhugra,president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists,said:“If children are taught about the impact that food has on their growth,and that some things can harm,at least information is available up front.”He also argues councils to impose“fastfoodfreezones”around schools and hospitals—areas within which takeaways cannot open.A department of Health spokesman said:“We need to create a new vision for public health where all of society works together to get healthy and live longer.This includes creating a new‘responsibility,deal with business,built on social responsibly,not state regulation.Later this year,we will publish a white paper setting out exactly how we will achieve this.”The food industry will be alarmed that such senior doctors back such radical moves,especially the call to use some of the tough tactics that have been deployed against smoking over the last decade.Terence Stephenson agreed that_____
A.“fat taxes”should be imposed on fast-food producers such as McDonald’s
B.the government should ban fast-food outlets in the neighborhood of schools
C.“lecturing”was an effective way to improve school lunches in England
D.cigarette-style warnings shoul
[单选题]题目 98
--Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school. --Wonderful! I can't wait to ( )it.
A. repeat
B. forget
C. receive
D. join
[单选题]Today it is common to access the Internet from a variety of ( ) devices like smartphones and tablets.
B.is it
C.was it
D.isn’t it
[单选题]Today,( )major new products without conducting elaborate market research. A.corporations hardly introduce ever B.corporations hardly ever introduce C.hardly corporations ever introduce
[单选题]Text 3 Today,widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.After all,if everyone you know is going to college in the fall,it seems silly to stay back a year,doesn't it?And after going to school for 12 years,it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.But while this may be true,it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated“race to the finish line,”whether that be toward graduate school,medical school or lucrative career.But despite common misconceptions,a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact,it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not.Rather than pulling students back,a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence,new responsibilities and environmental changes-all things that first-year students often struggle with the most.Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment,making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests,then consider its financial impact on future academic choices.According to the National Center for Education Statistics,nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once.This isn’t surprising,considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications,but switching to another after taking college classes.It’s not necessarily a bad thing,but depending on the school,it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game.At Boston College,for example,you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department.Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on. The word“acclimation”(Line 8,Para.3)is closest in meaning to_____
[单选题]So it is today.Schedule disaster,functional misfits,and system bugs all arise because the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.As work( ),the several teams slowly change the functions,sizes,and speeds of their own programs,and they explicitly or implicitly( )their assumptions about the inputs available and the uses to be made of the outputs.For example,the implementer of a program-overlaying function may run into problems and reduce speed relying on statistics that show how(请作答此空)this function will arise in application programs.Meanwhile,back at the ranch,his neighbor may be designing a major part of the supervisor so that it critically depends upon the speed of this function.This change in speed itself becomes a major specification change,and it needs to be proclaimed abroad and weighed from a system point of view.How,then,shall teams( )with one another?In as many ways as possible.Informally.Good telephone service and a clear definition of intergroup dependencies will encourage the hundreds of calls upon which common interpretation of written documents depends.Meetings.Regular project meetings,with one team after another giving technical riefings,are( ).Hundreds of minor misunderstandings get smoked out this way.Workbook.A formal project workbook must be started at the beginning.


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