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发布时间:2023-12-25 07:41:01

[简答题]下面是一段入户动员中敲门和相互认识的过程,请分析其中有什么不足,如果是你,应如何继续下去。 访问者手提多种物品和登记表,敲门,开门的是一位男性,40多岁模样。访问者微笑并做自我介绍,“大爷,我是×××单位的公共营养师,是来你家调查乳品购买和摄入情况的……”。男人一愣,马上要关门,不耐烦地说:“我家没人吃奶,走吧!”





W: Hi, Bill, can you tell me how it happened
M: Sure. I was mountain climbing in New Hampshire in 1982. Suddenly the weather became really bad. There was a lot of snow and we couldn’t see anything. We got lost. Well, we spent four days on the mountain. The temperature was 20 degrees below zero, We didn’t have any equipment or food.
W: So what happened I guess someone found you, right
M: Yes, but we were very sick. I couldn’t move my legs because of the cold. f spent two months in the hospital. The doctors removed my legs.
W: Right. So you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to stay active.
M: That’s right. In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself. I realized that no one had to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology to help us.
W: And you built these great new legs. Can you go mountai
A. Design new climbing shoes.
B. Establish a club for the disabled.
C. Use technology to fight his disability.



W: Hi, Bill, can you tell me how it happened
M: Sure. I was mountain climbing in New Hampshire in 1982. Suddenly the weather became really bad. There was a lot of snow and we couldn’t see anything. We got lost. Well, we spent four days on the mountain. The temperature was 20 degrees below zero, We didn’t have any equipment or food.
W: So what happened I guess someone found you, right
M: Yes, but we were very sick. I couldn’t move my legs because of the cold. f spent two months in the hospital. The doctors removed my legs.
W: Right. So you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to stay active.
M: That’s right. In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself. I realized that no one had to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology to help us.
W: And you built these great new legs. Can you go mountain climbing again
A. Low temperature.
B. Terrible weather.
C. An unsuccessful operation.



M: Hi, mom.
W: There you are. I’m getting worried. It’s so late.
M: Yes. I ran into Linda and we went to a pub. She told me a funny thing.
W: Oh What was that
M: Well, she was driving home after work, and she suddenly saw an old lady on her hands and knees in the middle of the road.
W: Really
M: Yes, Linda was so shocked that she stopped suddenly and the car behind crashed into hers.
W: Was she hurt
M: No.
W: And what was the old lady doing
M: I am just coming to that. So Linda got out of her car and saw the old lady pick up something and walk away.
W: Lucky indeed. Linda didn’t run her over.
M: Then a policeman came. But he didn’t believe what Linda said.
W: Well ...
M: Luckily there was a witness, a man waiting for a bus. He saw it all. Guess what the old lady was doingA. Seeking passers-by’s help.
B. Trying to stand up.
C. Looking for something.
D. Calling the police.


(二) 根据下面一段话的内容,从方框内的7个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项 A: Excuse me.(16)B: Yes. You don’t know me, of course. I don’t teach here. I just give oral examinations here now and then. Don’t be nervous. A: Nervous Who Me B: (17)I’m going to ask you a few questions. Then we are going to have a short conversation in English. Do you understand A: Yes, of course I do. (18) B: After the examination, please. First of all, why are you learning English A: Why am I learning English B: Yes, I mean, what are you going to do with it Are you going to be a teacher of English, or what else A: (19)I really must ask you something first. B: Very well. If you insist, go ahead please! A: Would you like a cup of coffee B: Pardon What did you say A: You see, I’m English. I’m one of the teachers here. I came to ask you if you would like a cup of coffee. B: (20). And thank you so much!

A. You must have wronged me.
B. Oh! I’m so sorry about this.
C. Please stop just a second.
D. Are you Mr.Smith
E. But may I ask you something first
F. Is there anything I can do for you
G. Now. Sit down, please.
[简答题]阅读下面一段文字: 我在五十年前,完全没有懂得这一段话的“诛”正是中国专制体制下禁止新思想、新学术、新信仰、新艺术的经典的根据。我在那时候抱着“破除迷信”的热心,所以拥护“四诛”之中的第四诛:“假于鬼神时日卜筮以疑众,杀。”我当时完全没有想到第四诛的“假于鬼神……疑众”和第一诛的“执左道以乱众”的两条罪名都可以用来摧残宗教信仰的自由。我当时也完全没有注意到郑玄注里用了公输般作“奇技异器”的例子,更没有注意到孔颖达《正义》里举了“孔子为鲁司寇七日而诛少正卯”的例子来解释“行伪而坚,言伪而辩,学非而博,顺非而泽以疑众,杀”。故第二诛可以用来禁绝艺术创作的自由,也可以用来“杀”许多发明“奇技异器”的科学家。故第三诛可以用来摧残思想的自由,言论的自由,著作出版的自由。 我在五十年前引用了《王制》第四诛,要“杀”《西游记》、《封神榜》的作者。那时候我当然没有梦想到十年之后我在北京大学教书时就有一些同样“卫道”的正人君子也想引用《王制》的第三诛,要“杀”我和我的朋友,当年我要“杀”人,后来人要“杀”我;动机是一样的:都是因为动了一点正义的火气,就失掉容忍的度量了。 我自己叙述五十年前主张“假于鬼神时日卜筮以疑众,杀”的故事,为的是要说明我年纪越大,越觉得“容忍”比“自由”还更重要。(胡适《容忍与自由》) 请回答:郑玄注以公输般作例子、孔颖达以孔子诛少正卯为例子是提倡宽容还是主张专制


Where does the conversation happen( ).
A. At home.
B. At an airport.
C. At a hotel.


Which is more difficult to forget( ).
A. Smells.
B. Facts.
C. Both are difficult.


What benefits the woman during her business trip in Korea( ).
A. Having a good knowledge of Korea.
B. Having lived in Korea for a long time.
C. Being able to speak Korean.


How does Simon get the information about the company’s available posts( ).
A. Calling its receptionist.
B. Visiting the company.
C. Glancing at its website.


What did the speaker think about when helping the office manager( ).
A. Opening a new office in the park.
B. Promoting relations with the office manager.
C. Developing fresh business opportunities.


What does the woman think of her new work()
A. It is great.
B. It makes her busy all day.
C. It is hard to say now.


Why did the woman feel somewhat nervous to see the manager( ).
A. She had offended the manager.
B. The manager was just sitting behind his desk.
C. She had never seen him before.


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