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发布时间:2024-06-01 19:09:56

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Banks face losses from three sources : their own position if short or long in a particular currency; dealing positions taken by employees who gamble with the bank’s money; and defaults by counter-parties to forward exchange contracts and covering transactions. These risks were well illustrated by events in 1974: Bankhaus Herstatt, cologne, collapsed due largely to losses on its foreign exchange exposures; Lloyds Bank, Lugano, lost USD77 million due to unauthofised trading by staff. Herstatt’s closure by the Bundesbank during working hours left many banks with unfulfilled foreign exchange transactions. Since then banks and authorities have tightened their control. Banks still take a position on foreign currencies and put traders on commission to speculate on their behalf, but mainly on within-day trading or on overnight positio

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[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Banks face losses from three sources : their own position if short or long in a particular currency; dealing positions taken by employees who gamble with the bank’s money; and defaults by counter-parties to forward exchange contracts and covering transactions. These risks were well illustrated by events in 1974: Bankhaus Herstatt, cologne, collapsed due largely to losses on its foreign exchange exposures; Lloyds Bank, Lugano, lost USD77 million due to unauthofised trading by staff. Herstatt’s closure by the Bundesbank during working hours left many banks with unfulfilled foreign exchange transactions. Since then banks and authorities have tightened their control. Banks still take a position on foreign currencies and put traders on commission to speculate on their behalf, but mainly on within-day trading or on overnight positio
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Reserve Banks have expressed an interest in using non-employee experts or consultants on bank supervision matters for a number of reasons. A Reserve Bank may seek to engage retired examiners to address fluctuating resource demands, for example, in the event of a rapid but temporary need for examiners experienced in loan underwriting and credit review. An external expert may be used to provide supplemental training, for example, to expose examiners to new analytical techniques, or to provide on-the-job training to examiners who have not experienced an economic downturn, problem loans, or problem banks. While it is important to maintain adequate resources and expertise on an ongoing basis, a Reserve Bank may decide in a particular situation that using a consultant is a more cost effective or efficient approach to meeting a speci
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}}
Banks with large international credits limit their concentrations of loans in any one country according to the perceived "country risk". Country risk generally refers to economic and political conditions existing in a country. In any case, a loan to the foreign nation’s government or its agencies is generally safer than a loan to a private-sector borrower. Even loans to governments may be unsafe, however, because of what is called "sovereign risk". When foreign governments experience economic or political pressures, there is a risk that they will divert resources to the correction of their domestic problems at the expense of servicing their debts to external lenders. In the 1980s, several less-developed nations requested the rescheduling of bank loans at considerable sacrifice in interest income to the banks involved. At the
[单项选择]According to the passage, banks create online services to( )
A. compete for customers.
B. reduce the size of their staff’.
C. provide services for distant clients.
D. expand their operations at a lower cost.
Passage One
Two pressing problems face the world: economic meltdown and global warming. Conveniently, a solution presents itself that apparently solves both: governments should invest heavily in green technology, thus boosting demand while transforming the energy business. This notion is gaining agreement around the world. Last month the United Nations called for a "Global Green New Deal". But it is in America that the idea is really taking off. The United States Conference of Mayors reckons that green investment should provide 2.5m jobs. The Centre for American Progress thinks $100 billion worth of spending in the area would provide 2m jobs. The new president tops both. Barack Obama proposes spending $150 billion over ten years, thus helping, he says, to create 5m jobs.
There is a historical parallel to this synergy between two worthy aim
A. It can provide millions of jobs with little money investment.
B. It can promote demand while reforming the energy industry.
C. It is helpful to the world’s peace and development.
D. It is well accepted by all of the countries in the world.
[单项选择]The two girls sat () face to face, talking all () day.
A. the; the
B. the; /
C. /; /
[单项选择]A. Face to face. B. Any of the fingertip stuff.
C. Smiling. D. Saying something.
[单项选择]Two pressing problems face the world: economic meltdown and global warming. Conveniently, a solution presents itself that apparently solves both: governments should invest heavily in green technology, thus boosting demand while transforming the energy business. This notion is gaining agreement around the world. Last month the United Nations called for a "Global Green New Deal". But it is in America that the idea is really taking off. The United States Conference of Mayors reckons that green investment should provide 2.5m jobs. The Centre for American Progress thinks $100 billion worth of spending in the area would provide 2m jobs. The new president tops both. Barack Obama proposes spending $150 billion over ten years, thus helping, he says, to create 5m jobs.
There is a historical parallel to this synergy between two worthy aims. Just as military spending at the end of the 1930s defeated both fascism and the Depression, so spending on fighting climate change should both wean (使摆
A. It is welcomed and practical.
B. It is useful for the ethanol industry.
C. It is beneficial to the poor.
D. How to deliver it is a big problem.


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