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发布时间:2023-10-05 00:32:19

[单项选择]Despite his()as a trouble-maker, he was promoted to department manger.
A. repetition
B. repression
C. reputation
D. representation

更多"Despite his()as a trouble-maker, he"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Despite his occasional fondness for gambling, he is still considered as a good boy ( ).
A. as the whole
B. for the whole
C. by the whole
D. on the whole
[单项选择]()that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.
A. Heard
B. Having heard
C. Hear
D. To hear
[单项选择]Monroe, despite his generally poor appetite, thoroughly enjoyed the three meals he ate at the Tip-Top Restaurant, but, unfortunately, after each meal he became ill. The first time he ate an extra-large sausage pizza with a side order of hot peppers; the second time he took full advantage of the all-you-can-eat fried shrimp and hot peppers special; and the third time he had two of Tip-Top’s gaint meatball sandwiches with hot peppers. Since the only food all three meals had in common was the hot peppers, Monroe concludes that it is solely due to Tip-Top’s hot poppers that he became ill.
Monroe’s reasoning is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms
A. He draws his conclusion on the basis of too few meals that were consumed at Tip-Top and that included hot peppers.
B. He posits a causal relationship without ascertaining that the presumed cause preceded the presumed effect.
C. He allows his desire to continue dining at Tip-Top to bias his conclusion.
D. He fails to establish that everyone who ate Tip-Top’s hot peppers became ill.
E. (E) He overlooks the fact that at all three meals he consumed what was, for him, an unusually large quantity of food.
[单项选择]______ that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.
A. Heard
B. Having heard
C. Hear
D. To hear
[单项选择]Despite his failings, Lang’s father was commercially______and fantastically hardworking, and under his______the construction business flourished.
A. inexperience… bumbling
B. astute … aegis
C. competitive… pretense
D. incompetent… talents
E. savvy … misdirection
[填空题]Despite his failings, Lang’’s father was commercially________and fantastically hardworking, and under his________the construction business flourished.
A. A.inexperience ... bumbling
B.astute ... aegis
C.competitive ... pretense
D.incompetent ... talents
E.savvy ... misdirection

[单项选择](Despite) his old (age), he is still (very) (healthful) and often works in the field.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
[填空题]It occurred to me that he hadn’t paid his income tax for two months.
[填空题]Despite Hwang didn’t react to his new accusation Schatten would still keep explaining his claim.

[填空题]He is not particular about his clothes; He doesn’t mind what he()(wear).
[单项选择]He gradually()that his wife was right and he had to change his way of living.
A. explored
B. repelled
C. simplified
D. perceived
[填空题]When he left his parents he promised them that he would ______ (尽量多写家信).
[单项选择]He didn’t( )his mother that he was telling the truth.
A. admit
B. insure
C. convince
D. believe
[单项选择]He gave a lot of examples()and explained his new theory. But still we couldn’t understand it.
A. in detail
B. in bits
C. in peace
D. in no hurry


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