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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:41:40

[单项选择](Despite) his old (age), he is still (very) (healthful) and often works in the field.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

更多"(Despite) his old (age), he is stil"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mr. Handforth in his old age, in his second childhood—advanced by his stroke—had kept his wits about him, and they, as old people’s wits sometimes will, inclined him to be critical of those who were nearest and dearest to him.
Undoubtedly, it was Judith who was—or who had been—nearest and dearest to him. Throughout the many years of his widowerhood—how many! —she had been at his beck and call, neglecting, as she herself had said and as he had had ample opportunities of confirming, her own family and he had gratefully though guiltily agreed to her suggestion, that her family would have been larger than it was, that Charlotte might have had brothers and sisters, as Seymour hoped she would have, if she had not felt that her father was her first priority.
This combined feeling of guilt and gratitude he had tried to acknowledge to her from time to time, by presents smaller and greater; and he had made and re-made his will many times, with the object of leaving the residue of his e
A. without expecting any gratitude
B. while ensuring that he recognized her sacrifice
C. because she felt her family came first
D. simply out of daughterly affection
[单项选择]A man has to make ______ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.
A. supply
B. assurance
C. provision
D. storage

Theodore Dreiser is old-he is very, very old. I do not know how many years he has lived, perhaps forty, perhaps fifty, but he is very old. Something gray and bleak and hurtful, that has been in the world perhaps forever, is personified in him.
When Dreiser is gone men shall write books, many of them, and in the books they shall write there will be so many of the qualities Dreiser lacks. The new, the younger men shall have a sense of humor, and everyone knows Dreiser has no sense of humor. More than that, American prose writers shall have grace, lightness of touch, a dream of beauty breaking through the husks of life.
Those who follow him shall have many things that Dreiser does not have. That is a part of the wonder and beauty of Theodore Dreiser, the things that others shall have because of him.
Long ago, when he was editor of the Delineator, Dreiser went one day, with a woman friend, to visit an orphan asylum. The woman once told me the story of that aft
A. criticize Theodore Dreiser
B. praise Theodore Dreiser
C. defend Theodore Dreiser
D. ridicule Theodore Dreiser

[填空题]He no longer used his old car.
He didn’t use his old car ______.

[填空题]He sold his old car to one of his friends.
His old car ______ to one of his friends.

[填空题]_____ his age, he is unable to take the job.
[单项选择]A. John had given up his old job before he went to Canada.
B. John’s old job has been taken over by someone else.
C. John doesn’t want to go back to his old job.
D. John has taken his old job back.
[填空题]He often goes to see his old friends by bus. He often _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ his old friends.
[单项选择]What did he do with his old car
A. He maintained the old car.
B. He planned to replace the old car.
C. He discarded the old car.
D. He had his old car fixed.


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