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发布时间:2023-11-17 19:09:08

[填空题]By the 660s, China has great influence in today’s Xinjiang Province.

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[填空题]By the 660s, China has great influence in today’s Xinjiang Province.
[多项选择]Today information technology has come to play a very important role in our daily lives. It involves more than just computer literacy; it also takes into account how computers work and how these computers can further be used for information processing and for communications and problem solving tasks. Some people say information technology is a breakthrough in human development since it brings with it so many conveniences while some others believe that disadvantages of information technology outweigh its advantages. What is your opinion Please write an essay of about 400 words.
In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure

Today no one has ever doubted about television’s charm. Since 1920s Britain invented the first television, people have begun to live in a world crowded with soap operas, news magazines and TV advertisements. 41.______However, have we ever tried to find out the magic here Why did the television win the competition with paper media and radio in such a short period By what kind of contention did TV finally control most of the audiences And why does TV become the means the industrial circles scramble for
It is argued that television may not be a form of art, but fifteen thousand years before the primitive people had left urus drawings on Altamira Cave in Spain, which proved that pictures are human ever-lasting pursuit much earlier than letters. 42.______The coming of the 19th century foretold a mass media times and also the break-through in arts because of the rapid development in technology. First by the invention of photography photos showed up before people in a way


M: Wow.Look at you! You look so great today!
W: Thank you.Do I look good in red
M: Oh,yes,you look perfect in this red dress.
W: Thank you.I bought it last week.
M: It looks good and expensive.
W: Well.not expensive.I bought it on a sale last week.
M: And you got it at a good price
W: Yes.It used to be 490 yuan.but I bought it only at half that price.
M: Lucky you.That’s a real bargain.
W: And I bought a hat to go with the dress too.
M: Is that also a good bargain
W: Sure.the hatis good and cheap too.
M: Good for you.

What did the woman buy last week()
A. A dress.
B. A hat.
C. A dress and a hat.


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