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发布时间:2023-10-02 11:03:25

[简答题]A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

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A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but if it’s not red or yellow, it doesn’t sell. According to James Crowe, chief executive of the Worcester -- based research company, Scintilla, the color of a product can dictate the strength of its sales.
His company has pioneered a method of testing consumer response to color which he claims can predict, with 90% accuracy, sales of a new product for up to 18 months after the launch. The method, "Chromtest", has been used to test everything from ladies’ dresses to sunglasses. Clients include Parsifal Lager, Amir Fashions, Coloroll Wallpaper and Meadowcourt China.
Color, says Mr. Crowe, is critical in ensuring product acceptance. It is not merely a case of choosing an acceptable primary color -- shades, tones and texture can all have a bearing on the consumer’s final choice.
"We could take 10 colors, each with six shades and virtually guarantee that two of the shades would
A. sell red and yellow roses.
B. measure customer response to color.
C. give lecturers on marketing.
D. develop a method to predict business turnover.

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Japan has a problem many other countries would envy—its workforce works too hard. Curing Japanese workers of disease "workaholism" is proving a difficult job, partly because many of them like work better than anybody else, experts say.
Last month, the Japanese government passed a law for a 40-hour working week, down from 48 hours, to let people spend time away from the office or factory. But it could be many years before average work hours fall to the new level.
In 1985, Japanese workers worked an average of 2 168 hours a year. But people in Britain worked 1 952 hours, the United States 1 924, West Germany 1 965 and France 1 643. Many Japanese workers work long hours not only because of devotion and pleasure of the job, but also because of fear and inefficiency (无效,不称职).
Many people feel that if they raked week off, they will lose touch with the business and fall behind other people. So they would rather stay at their desks. It is also cons
A. loves one’s work too much
B. has to de a very difficult job
C. works long hours in a place
D. suffers a lot at work


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