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发布时间:2023-10-29 00:34:51

[单项选择]Why do some young patients run away from doctors
A. They have no trust in doctors.
B. They cannot afford the medical fee.
C. They fear things like injections.

更多"Why do some young patients run away"的相关试题:

Why do some young patients run away from doctors
[单项选择]Why were Thorpe’s medals taken away from him
A. Because someone found out that Thorpe had been using drugs.
B. Because it was found out that Thorpe had once been an amateur athlete.
C. Because Thorpe’s fame began to decline after the Olympic Games.
D. Because it was found out that at one time Thorpe had been a professional athlete.
[填空题]Why do some young people dislike living with their parents Because they think the old parents are ( )to them.
[简答题]Some young adults want to be independent from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situations do you think is better Write an essay with specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
[填空题]Why is Brendan so different from other young people of his age Because he ______.
[填空题]Doctors should keep quiet and let patients explain their problems__________(而不是去打断他们).

[单项选择] For years, doctors advised their patients that the only thing taking multivitamins does is give them expensive urine (尿). After all, true vitamin deficiencies are practically unheard of in industrialized countries. Now it seems those doctors may have been wrong. The results of a growing number of studies suggest that even a modest vitamin shortfall can be harmful to your health. Although proof of the benefits of multivitamins is still far from certain, the few dollars you spend on them is probably a good investment. Or at least that’’s the argument put forward in the New England Journal of Medicine. Ideally, say Dr. Walter Willett and Dr. Meir Stampfer of Harvard, all vitamin supplements would be evaluated in scientifically rigorous clinical trials. But those studies can take a long time and often raise more questions than they answer. At some point, while researchers work on figuring out where the truth lies, it just makes sense to say the potential benefit outweighs the cost
A. the benefit of daily multivitamin intake outweighs that of exercise and a balanced diet
B. it’’s risky to take multivitamins without knowing their specific function
C. the potential benefit of multivitamins can never be overestimated
D. it’’s reasonable to take a rational dose of multivitamins daily


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