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发布时间:2023-10-21 18:22:30

[填空题]Anyone ______ (want) to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics (机器人学).

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[填空题]Anyone()(want) to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics (机器人学).

Why would anyone want to push themselves into the public eye
"Famous people have usually experienced a negative event during childhood—often it’s the loss of a parent, or rejection from a key figure in their life at a younger age," said Professor Cary Cooper. He suggested that "their motivator is therefore to achieve something they thought they couldn’t manage".
He added that their fame often takes them away from "ordinary people", and they’re "thrown into a celebrity group of other people who are insecure".
Canadian psychologist Mark Schaller argued that exposure to fame inevitably produces psychological disturbance. The famous become more chronically self-conscious and self-aware because of all the attention.
Famous people constantly experience that "merely momentary discomfort" of heightened self-consciousness you feel when someone points a camera at you, said Dr Persaud.
A. the money
B. to follow their parents’ steps
C. to be the best
D. to fight back the negative opinion from close ones

[单项选择]Why would anyone want to set aside a day to honor a lowly little groundhog The answer to that question is not certain, but a group of people get together every February 2 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to watch Punxsutawney "Pete" leave his burrow. What "Pete" does next, many believe, will indicate whether spring is just around the comer or a long way off, You see, in Pennsylvania on this date there is usually a great deal of snow on the ground, and the little animal has been hibernating during the long, cold winter. He gorged himself during the autumn months and then went into his burrow for a long sleep, his body fat helping keep him alive. But as he emerges on February 2, he looks very thin. If the sun is shining brightly and he sees his shadow, according to legend, it scares him back into his home where he will stay another six weeks. Should it be cloudy and gray, the little animal will supposedly wander While many believe in the groundhog’s predictions, it is unwise to accept them
A. He’s cute and playful, and children love to watch him.
B. He’s looking for food and the people want to help him find it in the snow.
C. Many people believe him to be a harbinger of spring.
D. The people want to be sure he is alive after such a long winter.
[单项选择]Why should anyone want to read ______ of books by great authors when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals.
A. themes
B. insights
C. digests
D. leaflets
[填空题]You understand that the bank will want about 120% in securities to cover this credit.

[填空题]Anyone (want)______to live in the new century will have to know about the computer.
[简答题]cottage industry
[填空题]told pictures developed understand Fortunately
woman film rest later it
hostess know service photos taken
Not too long ago, a guest checking out of our Polynesian Village resort at Walt Disney World was asked how she enjoyed her visit. She (61) the front-desk clerk she had had a wonderful vacation, but was heartbroken about losing several rolls of Kodacolor film she had not yet (62) She was particularly upset over the loss of the (63) she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, as this was a memory she especially treasured.
Now, please (64) that we have no written service standards covering lost luau snapshots. (65) ,the hostess at the front desk understood Disney’s philosophy of caring for our guests. She asked the (66) to leave her a couple of rolls of fresh (67) ,promising she would take care of the (68) .
Two weeks (69) , this guest received a pa


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