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发布时间:2023-11-21 03:55:08


Despite the doubts, and despite complaints from shop owners, London’s congestion charge --introduced in February 2003 -- has managed to ease the gridlock in the city centre. Traffic is down by 18%, jams by 30%. The scheme’s biggest weakness is that it is crude: drivers pay £ 8 ($14) to enter the zone between 7am and 6:30pm, regardless of how congested the roads are, or how long they stay.
So road-pricing fans are watching trials by Transport for London (TfL) of a new detection system, called tag-and-beacon, with interest. Under such a scheme (used in Singapore and on some European roads) cars are fitted with electronic tags that are read by roadside masts. If the trial is successful, TfL says that the city could switch to the system once the contract to run the congestion charge is re-let in 2009.
Currently, cameras are used to read license plates and track motorists. They are not always reliable: an individual camera identifies only around 70% of cars
A. has got much support from shop owners.
B. has reduced 18% of traffic jams.
C. asks $14 for entering the city center after 7pm.
D. demands same charges from drivers in spite of road conditions.

更多"Despite the doubts, and despite com"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Despite the doubts, and despite complaints from shop owners, London’s congestion charge --introduced in February 2003 -- has managed to ease the gridlock in the city centre. Traffic is down by 18%, jams by 30%. The scheme’s biggest weakness is that it is crude: drivers pay £ 8 ($14) to enter the zone between 7am and 6:30pm, regardless of how congested the roads are, or how long they stay.
So road-pricing fans are watching trials by Transport for London (TfL) of a new detection system, called tag-and-beacon, with interest. Under such a scheme (used in Singapore and on some European roads) cars are fitted with electronic tags that are read by roadside masts. If the trial is successful, TfL says that the city could switch to the system once the contract to run the congestion charge is re-let in 2009.
Currently, cameras are used to read license plates and track motorists. They are not always reliable: an individual camera identifies only around 70% of cars. Most driven get photog
A. has got much support from shop owners.
B. has reduced 18% of traffic jams.
C. asks $14 for entering the city center after 7pm.
D. demands same charges from drivers in spite of road conditions.
[单项选择]When faced with doubts from some advisers on the attempted invasion, Kennedy ignored them.
A. failed to understand
B. put up with
C. stood up for
D. refused to consider
[单项选择]Several complaints have been received from customers who have been sent the correcl orders with the wrong invoices and wrong orders with the correct invoices.
A. 从客户中已经收到一些投诉,他们被送到具有错误发票的正确订货和具有正确发票的错误订货。
B. 我们已收到那些正确订货和错误发票或错误订货和正确发票的客户的投诉。
C. 我们收到了不少客户的投诉说,有的人收到的订货是对的,但发票开错,有的订货有误,但发票没错。
D. 我们收到不少客户的投诉,他们中有的人收到了正确的订货和错误的发票,另一些人收到了错误的订货和正确的发票。
[单项选择]The company has received many complaints from customers who believe that our rates are far from ().
A. allowable
B. satisfied
C. trustworthy
D. reasonable
[填空题]The complaints from some children who have difficulties in learning are caused by ______.
[简答题]· Following complaints from the employees, your Chief Executive asked you to write a proposal introducing flexible working hours.
· Write a proposal for the Chief Executive
· summarising the present situation
· pointing out why complaints have been made
· presenting how your proposal might affect staff.
[填空题]Despite the bad news from home, the man still talked to his host and hostess______(好像什么也没有发生).

[填空题]America reaped great gains from Iraq war despite the much pain from both sides.


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