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发布时间:2023-10-01 05:51:23

[填空题]America reaped great gains from Iraq war despite the much pain from both sides.

更多"America reaped great gains from Ira"的相关试题:

[填空题]America reaped great gains from Iraq war despite the much pain from both sides.

[填空题]Since the Iraq war, many an American has come to realize that it is almost impossible for him or her to strike it rich no matter how hard he or she works.

[单项选择]Powell calls for drawdown from Iraq by mid-2007. His comments break his long public silence on the issue and place him ( ) with the administration.
A. at will
B. at ease
C. at times
D. at odds
[单项选择]From the time of the Greeks to the Great War, medicine’s job was simple: to struggle with ()diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain.
A. immortal
B. immune
C. lethal
D. toxic
[填空题]Who often gains financially from tourism in rural environments
[简答题]We had not suffered much from the war there,though like most children of my age,I was used to seeing bombed houses in the streets and the enormous army lorries pass-ing through.
[简答题]We had not suffered much from the war there, though like most children of my age, I was used to seeing bombed houses in the streets and the enormous army lorries passing through.

[填空题]When men returned from World War II and the postwar "baby boom" began, Americans began to move in great numbers to the (36) . A new model of a traditional family developed, and women were (37) separated from men. Men generally went back into the city to work, and there was a strong (38) between work and home. Houses in the suburbs were far (39) from each other. These areas were all residential and there were no stores or businesses nearby. Women had to drive to buy food and to visit relatives and friends. All these factors (40) to a sense of (41) and to a feeling of separation Between the family and the outside world~ At the same time (42) developments gave American housewives many (43) inventions such as dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, and frozen foods. (44) . With more time on their hands, Americanwomen began to want to become more involved in social activities.
(45) .
Given the hi


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