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发布时间:2023-10-21 16:55:26

[单项选择]Woman: My headache is killing me. I thought it was going away, but now it is getting worse and worse.
Man: I told you yesterday to make an appointment.
Question: What does the man mean( ).
A. The woman has been complaining too much.
B. The woman’s headache will go away by itself.
C. The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.
D. The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor.

更多"Woman: My headache is killing me. I"的相关试题:


W: My headache is killing me. I thought it was going away. But now it is getting worse and worse.
M: I told you yesterday to make an appointment.

What does the man imply( ).
A. The woman should ask the man to check his illness.
B. The woman’s headache will disappear by itself.
C. The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.
D. The woman shouldn’t ask such a matter.
[单项选择]Woman: I am upset. You told my boss I had a part-time job
Man: I am sorry. I couldn’t help it.
Question: What does the man mean
A. He couldn’t help the woman at all.
B. He couldn’t hold back the secret.
C. He couldn’t possibly tell the boss.
D. He couldn’t decide who told the boss.

Woman: I’ve changed my mind and would like to take the new approach.
Man: You’re on the right track now!
Question: What does the man mean( ).

A. The woman is right.
B. The woman is getting on well.
C. The woman is doing the right thing.
D. The woman has changed her mind.
[单项选择] God and My Father   I thought of God as a strangely emotional being. He was powerful; he was forgiving yet obdurate, full of warmth and affection. Both his wrath and affection were fitful, they came and they went, and I couldn’’t count on either to continue: although they both always did.In short God was much such a being as my father himself.   What was the relation between them, I wondered ― these two puzzling deities   My father’’s ideas of religion seemed straightforward and simple. He had noticed when he was a boy that there were buildings called churches; he had accepted them as a natural part of the surroundings in which he had been born. He would never have invented such things himself. Nevertheless they were here. As he grew up he regarded them as unquestioningly as he did banks. They were substantial old structures, they were respectable, decent, and venerable. They were frequented by the right sort of people. Well, that was enough.  
A. had been born in natural surroundings with banks and churches.
B. never really thought of God as having a real existence.
C. regarded religion as acceptable as long as it did not interfere.
D. regarded religion as a way that he could live a spiritual life.
[单项选择]Woman: I wish I hadn’t hurt Linda’s feelings like that yesterday. You know I never meant to.
Man: The great thing about Linda is that she doesn’t hold any grudges. By tomorrow, she will have forgotten all about it.
Question: What does the man say about Linda
A. She is forgetful.
B. She is considerate.
C. She is forgiving.
D. She is careless.
[单项选择]Woman: I don’t know how Shawn feels after I turned down his business proposal.
Man: He’s cool with it.
Question: What does the man mean
A. Shawn feels hurt.
B. Shawn doesn’t mind it.
C. Shawn is a calm person.
D. Shawn knows nothing about it.
[单项选择]Woman: I can’t believe Karen is late for such an important occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday.
Man: You should have known her better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other.
Question: What does the man imply( ).
A. Karen is very forgetful.
B. He knows Karen better now.
C. Karen is sure to pass the interview.
D. The woman should have reminded Karen earlier.

Conversation 2

Which company did the woman work in?()
A. A trading company and a trust company.
B. A trading company.
C. A trust company.
D. A visiting delegation.

Woman: I want this sweater. Besides, I’ll take that hat, too.
Man: All right. The sweater is $74, so the total is $85.

How much does the hat cost ( )
A. $8.5.
B. $74.
C. $11.
D. $34.

Woman: I want this sweater. Besides, I’ll take that hat, too.
Man: All right. The sweater is $74, so the total is $85.

Question: How much does the hat cost ()
A. $8.5.
B. $74.
C. $11.
D. $34.

Man: I love my computer.
Woman: Computers are so cool.
Man: I love to go online.
Woman: (5)
Man: You can not only get the information you want, but also travel all over the world.
Woman: I know. (6)
Man: Yes. I went to Canada yesterday.
Woman: What did you do
Man: I stood on the Rocky Mountain and looked all around.
Woman: What was it like (7)
Man: Yes, I felt like I was actually there,

7( ).
A. Have you traveled online
B. Was it like the real thing
C. The Internet is amazing.
D. But surfing online takes a lot of time.


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