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发布时间:2024-07-10 01:28:10


Man: I love my computer.
Woman: Computers are so cool.
Man: I love to go online.
Woman: (5)
Man: You can not only get the information you want, but also travel all over the world.
Woman: I know. (6)
Man: Yes. I went to Canada yesterday.
Woman: What did you do
Man: I stood on the Rocky Mountain and looked all around.
Woman: What was it like (7)
Man: Yes, I felt like I was actually there,

7( ).
A. Have you traveled online
B. Was it like the real thing
C. The Internet is amazing.
D. But surfing online takes a lot of time.

更多"Man: I love my computer. Woman: C"的相关试题:


Man: I love my computer.
Woman: Computers are so cool.
Man: I love to go online.
Woman: (5)
Man: You can not only get the information you want, but also travel all over the world.
Woman: I know. (6)
Man: Yes. I went to Canada yesterday.
Woman: What did you do
Man: I stood on the Rocky Mountain and looked all around.
Woman: What was it like (7)
Man: Yes, I felt like I was actually there,

5( ).
A. Have you traveled online
B. Was it like the real thing
C. The Internet is amazing.
D. But surfing online takes a lot of time.
[单项选择]Can the woman use computers
A. No, she can’t.
B. No, but she can watch.
C. Yes, she can.
[单项选择]Why did the man do so( ).
A. Because the desk is going to be sold.
B. Because it is his own desk.
C. Because the desk is not his own.
[单项选择]He was a talented man, so his parents expected much of him. But unfortunately he failed his parents and he was behind()
A. bars
B. doors
C. windows
D. walls

Every man ought so to manage as to live within his means, This practice is of the very essence of honesty; for if a man does not manage honestly to live within his own means, he must necessarily be living dishonestly upon the means of somebody else. Those who are careless about personal expenditure and consider merely their own satisfaction without regard for the comfort of others generally find out the real uses of money when it is too late. Though by nature generous, these thriftless(不节俭的) persons are often driven in the end to do very shabby things. They dawdle with(浪费) their money as with their time, draw bills upon the future, anticipate their earnings and are thus under the necessity of dragging after them a load of debts and obligations which seriously handicap their ability to act as free and honest men.
The loose cash which many persons throw away uselessly, and worse, would often form a basis of fortune and independence for life. These wasters are their own wors
A. to cut down expenditure
B. to plan one’s expenditure with great care
C. to spend no more than one actually earns
D. to live frugally and spend nothing except on necessities

[单项选择]Man: Just think I went through so much work on my paper only to get a C.
Woman: Well, I don’t think grades are everything. What you’ve learned in the process will prove useful in your future work.
Question: What does the woman imply( ).
A. The man should work harder to improve his grades.
B. The man will benefit from the effort he’s put in.
C. It serves the man right to get a poor grade.
D. D. It was unfair of the teacher to give the man a

Man: So you’re visting San Francisco
Gloria: Yes, we just got here last night. And you
Man: Oh, I’m a native.
Gloria: Really Everyone else we’ve met so far has been a tourist, like us. I was beginning to think that there were no natives.
Man: Well, San Francisco has a lot of different ethnic groups, so you might think you’re seeing a lot of tourists. But actually, the city has permanent population of about 7,000,000.
Gloria: What are the diffferent ethnic groups
Man: Well, let me see. After whites, the largest one is Asians, the Hispanics, then AfricanAmericans.
Gloria: I see.
Man: Yes, in fact, San Francisco has the largest Chinese community outside of Asia.
Gloria: That’s interesting. Do most of the Chinese people live in Chinatown
Man: Well, it’s true that Chinatown is the center of Chinese culture here, but they live all over the city.
Gloria: Hey, maybe
A. In Chinatown.
B. In Japantown.
C. Anywhere in the city.
D. In the Mission District.

[单项选择]Man, so the truism goes, lives increasingly in a man-made environment. This places a special burden on human immaturity, for it is plain that adapting to such variable conditions must depend very heavily on opportunities for learning, or whatever the processes are that are operative during immaturity. It must also mean that during immaturity man must master knowledge and skills that are either stored in the gene pool or learned by direct encounter, but which are contained in the culture pool--knowledge about values and history, skills as varied as an obligatory natural language or an optional mathematical one, as mute as levers or as articulate as myth telling.
Yet, it would be a mistake to leap to the conclusion that because human immaturity makes possible high flexibility, therefore anything is possible for the species. Human traits were selected for their survival value over a four--to five-million-year period with a great acceleration of the selection process during the last h
A. Medical students in a course on human anatomy.
B. College students in an introductory course on archaeology.
C. Psychologists investigating the uses of human immaturity.
D. Biologists trying to trace the course of human evolution.


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