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发布时间:2023-12-15 03:12:53

[单项选择]What must the woman do in order to get to the place she wants to [A] Walk through three yards and turn left at the end. [B] Turn left at the end and walk further to a sign. [C] Turn left at the ticket counter and walk further.

更多"What must the woman do in order to "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What must the woman do in order to get to the place she wants to A. Walk through three yards and turn left at the end.B. Turn left at the end and walk further to a sign.C. Turn left at the ticket counter and walk further.
[简答题]What must a student do in order to get a scholarship

[单项选择]What must the speakers do tonight
A. Plan their work for the next day
B. Ask for help with the spreadsheets
C. Cancel their leisure plans
D. Postpone a scheduled event
[简答题]What must the librarian do thirty days after she received the notice


What does the woman order
A. Steak and potatoes.
B. Peas and beans.
C. Tomatoes and green vegetable.
D. Both A and B.
[单项选择]what must the woman do to have a house in the country
A. To find a house about 15 miles away from work.
B. To drive about 15 miles to work every day.
C. Buy a farm in the country.
D. Rent an apartment in the suburbs.
[单项选择]What does the woman order for her kids
A. Orange juice.
B. Crabs.
C. Sea fish.
[填空题]What must you do if you smell smoke at night
[简答题]What must researcher try to do when they use animals as subjects

[单项选择]What must you do when you receive a present for your birthday You have to sit down and write a thank you note. The words "thank you" are very important, we have to use them all the time. We say them when someone gives us a drink, helps us to pick up things, lends us a book or gives us a present.
Another important word is "please". Many people forget to use it. It is impolite(不礼貌) to ask some one to do something without saying "please". We have to use it when we ask for something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more coffee or bread, help or advice. It may be in the classroom, at home, or at the bus stop. We have to use "please" to make request(要求) pleasant.
We have to learn to say "sorry", too. When we hurt someone’s feeling, we will have to say we are sorry. When we do something wrong and feel sorry, we will have to use the same word. When we have forgot some thing or broken a promise, we will have to explain with that word, too. "Sorry" is a healing(和解) word. We can
A. No, thanks
B. Yes, please
C. No, please


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