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发布时间:2023-10-21 21:05:37


Conversation 1
M: Hello, Amy. Are you coming to my birthday party
W: Yes, l am.How do I get to your house from the station
M: Well, call me when you get to the station and I’ll come and pick you up in my car.
W: Are you sure it won’t be too much trouble
M: It’s no trouble at a11. It only takes about 15 minutes.
W:Oh, I want to check your phone number. Is it 828816887
M: No. It’s 81881688.
W: Oh, really I’m glad I checked.
M: What time do you plan to arrive at the station
W: I plan to get there around 8:30.
M: Ok. See you then.
W: See you. Goodbye.

How can the woman get to the man’s house()
A. She will be picked up at the station.
B. She will be picked up at her own house.
C. She will take a train there.
D. She will take a bus.

更多"Conversation 1 [听力原文]6-7 M: Hel"的相关试题:


Conversation 1
M: Hello, Amy. Are you coming to my birthday party
W: Yes, l am.How do I get to your house from the station
M: Well, call me when you get to the station and I’ll come and pick you up in my car.
W: Are you sure it won’t be too much trouble
M: It’s no trouble at a11. It only takes about 15 minutes.
W:Oh, I want to check your phone number. Is it 828816887
M: No. It’s 81881688.
W: Oh, really I’m glad I checked.
M: What time do you plan to arrive at the station
W: I plan to get there around 8:30.
M: Ok. See you then.
W: See you. Goodbye.

When does the woman plan to get to the station()
A. Around 6 p.m.
B. Around 7 p.m.
C. Around 8:30 a.m.
D. Around 8:30 p.m.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Hello. How was your vacation
M: It was great. A whole week at the seaside, swimming in the sun. I feel completely relaxed.
W: (6)How I envy you! Do you know what I was doing when you were enjoying your life
M: (7)Working as usual.
W: Right. And I was also asked to do some of your work.
M: I’m sorry. They should have waited for me to come back.
W: Don’t worry. Go to your desk and you’ll find lots of e-mails waiting for you.
M: Oh, it’s terrible, so many!
W: Well, it’s really hard for you to make up for the lost time.
M: Yeah, I agree.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the man’s enjoying a holiday()
A. She disliked him.
B. She laughed at him.
C. She envied him.
D. She felt depresse

Conversation 1
M: Hello. May I speak to Bob
W: I’m sorry, but he left a few minutes ago.
M: That’s too bad.
W: Will you phone him again tonight
M: I’m sorry, but I won’t be free tonight.
W: Can I take a message
M: It’s very kind of you. There will be a lecture on English history by a famous professor at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon in the lecture hall. Please tell Bob not to be late.
W: Sure, bye.
M: Bye.

Why does the man phone Bob()
A. To tell Bob he won’t be free tonight.
B. To ask whether Bob has left or not.
C. To tell Bob there will be a lecture tomorrow afternoon.
D. To ask Bob whether he will be free tonight.

Conversation 2
M: Hello, Linda.
W: Hello, John. (8) Haven’t heard from you for long. How’re you doing
M: Fine. (10) I’m calling to ask if you’d like to have dinner with me this evening.
W: Why not Where
M: (9) Let’s go to the Japanese restaurant in Green Street.
W: How can I get them
M: You get out of your ogee and turn right. Then go along North Street. Turn down Winter Street and take the second turning on the right. That’s Green Street...
W: Wait, wait. Turn down Winter Street and take the second turning on the right at Green Street.
M: Right. And the restaurant is on the comer, next to the Blue Hotel.
W: ...next to the Blue Hotel. Good. So see you at...
M: (10) 6:30, OK
W: (10) OK. John. Thank you for your invitation.
M: It’s my pleasure.

What’s the probable rel
A. Brother and sister.
B. Old friends.
C. Waiter and customer.
D. Husband and wife.

Conversation 2
M: Hello, Lucy. This is Mac. How are you
W: Fine, thank you. A bit too busy, though, you know, I’m trying to put everything in order in my new apartment.
M: Oh, I see. Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go to a concert tomorrow evening. I think it’ll be good. And if I remember correctly, you did say you like pop music.
W: Yes, that’s right. I do. It’s nice of you to ask me, Mac. But I don’t think I can. Margaret has already asked me to see a friend and then we’ll go to the cinema together. In fact, she’s getting the tickets this evening.
M: Oh, well. Never mind. What about next weekend This concert is still on then. I think. if you’re free next Saturday.
W: Oh, I’d like to very much, but what time exactly
M: Well, it starts at 7:00 P.m., I think.
W: Oh, good, that’ll be fine. The basketball match will be over by
A. To ask if she’s got the tickets.
B. To invite her out for an evening.
C. To offer his help with her new flat.
D. To take care of his friend.


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