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发布时间:2024-09-20 00:32:08

[单项选择]An economist concluded that Kregg Company deliberately discriminated against people with a history of union affiliation in hiring workers for its new plant. The economist’s evidence is that, of the 1,500 people hired to work at the new plant, only 100 had ever belonged to a labor union, whereas in Kregg Company’s older plants, a much higher proportion of workers have a history of union affiliation.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the economist’s argument depends
A. None of the people with a history of union affiliation who were hired to work at the new plant were union organizers.
B. Applicants for jobs at the new plant were not asked by Kregg’s recruiters whether they had every belonged to a labor union.
C. In the plants of some of Kregg’s competitors, the workforce consists predominantly of union members.
D. The company believes that the cost of running the new plant will be lower if labor unions are not represented in the workforce.
E. (E) The pool of potential candidates for jobs at the new plant included some people, in addition to those Kregg hired, with a history of union affiliation.

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[单项选择]The United Nations, notorious for endless deliberations, is trying a technological quick fix. Its Global Compact office, which promotes corporate responsibility, has embraced a once marginal social technology—the wiki—in hopes that it will help staff in 80 countries share information and reach consensus with less deliberation and more speed. The office has done this by enlisting the public in its review of progress reports from more than 2,000 companies—an effort to make sure each is complying with established social and environmental guidelines. It’s debatable whether encouraging public input is a good way to increase efficiency, but the move is the latest example of a quickly growing trend.
Wiki software—easy-to-use programs that let anyone with Internet access create, remove and edit content on a Web page—first gained popularity thanks to Wikipedia, the user-generated encyclopedia that has come to be praised as one of the Web’s greatest resources. Now the technology is increasi
A. It is about how the United Nations is forced to adopt the wiki software to imp- rove efficiency.
B. It is an introduction of the wiki technology and its growing trend.
C. It reviews the advantages and disadvantages of wiki technology.
D. It is about the immaturity of the wiki technology and its future development.
[简答题] Pessimistic on poverty The Economist argued that the World Bank has overstated the extent of absolute poverty in the world -- that there is less poverty than the Bank claims and that it is falling faster. A methodological debate lies at the heart of this claim. The Bank relies as much as possible on nationally representative household surveys, typically done by governmental statistics offices following international standards. The Bank’’s latest estimates draw on interviews with about 1. 1 million randomly sampled households in 100 developing countries, representing 93% of the population of the developing world. The Bank’’s method of measuring poverty from surveys follows long-standing practices. But it is not the only possible approach. The Economist points to an alternative method that ignores data on levels of income or consumption from surveys. Instead the poverty measures are anchored to national accounts data, using the surveys only to
[单项选择]What can be concluded about Janet
A. She has come to the party.
B. She is hosting the party.
C. She hasn’’t turned up.
D. She is planning a party.

The Economist recognises these talented people through its annual Innovation Awards, presented in six fields: bioscience, computing and communications, energy and environment, business-process innovation, consumer products and a flexible "no boundaries" category. The awards were presented at a ceremony in London on November 9th by John Micklethwait, The Economist’s editor-in-chief.
And the winners were:
Marvin Caruthers, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Colorado at Boulder, for the development of automated DNA synthesis--the ability to "print out" arbitrary strands of genetic material.
(41) Computing and communications:
a creative individual who dreams up new ideas of computing and communi6ations and turn them into reality.
(42) Energy and environment:
a creative individual who dreams up new ideas of energy and environment and turn them into real

[单项选择]Some United States psychologists have concluded that one specific set of parental behaviors toward children always signifies acceptance and a second set always signifies rejection, for there is remarkable agreement among investigators about the maternal behaviors designated as indicative of these parental attitudes.
The conclusion of the psychologists mentioned above logically depends on the assumption that
A. most maternal behaviors have been interpreted as conveying either acceptance or rejection.
B. the maternal behaviors indicating acceptance or rejection are exhibited by fathers as well.
C. the behaviors of fathers toward children have been studied as carefully as have the behaviors of mothers.
D. acceptance and rejection are the easiest to recognize of all parental behaviors.
E. (E) parental attitudes are best conveyed through behaviors that the parents have consciously agreed on.
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