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发布时间:2023-10-23 10:25:34

[填空题]My parents often tell me that I ought to (study) ______ hard.

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[填空题]My parents often tell me that I ought to (study)______hard.

My parents often ______ some relatives in New Zealand. (visit; visit for)
[填空题]Parents often check their children’s homework and make a big fuss over grades.

One mistake that schools and parents often make is to think that it’s not necessary to teach traffic laws (交通法规) until the child is old enough to drive a car. Some children die in traffic on bikes before then because they haven’t learned traffic laws. Many children become bad drivers even after they are old enough to drive. They think they know traffic laws when they don’t. Some people don’t know the laws for bike travel because they didn’t learn the laws as children. For example, I have been told several times that a car has the right of way over a bike because it is bigger and faster. In our traffic laws there is no mention of the bigger, faster vehicle (车辆) having the right of way ! But we do have a law saying that the slower vehicle must keep to the right for the faster vehicle to pass.
While they are young, children must be taught to follow traffic laws. They mustn’t run across the street in front of a car, and they must stop at a
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t Say

[单项选择]Parents often faced the()between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.
A. paradox
B. junction
C. dilemma
D. premise
[填空题]Parents often faced the dilemma between doing ____________(他们感到对孩子的发展有好处的事) and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.

[单项选择]Parents often faced the ______ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.
A. paradox
B. junction
C. dilemma
D. premise
[简答题]Parents often faced the dilemma__________(不知该做时孩子发展有利的事,还是忍受孩子).


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