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发布时间:2024-07-31 07:21:39

[简答题]You had a trip last summer vacation. Write an essay of about 120 words to describe your trip and your feeling or impression on the trip. The rifle of this essay is. The Trip To ....

更多"You had a trip last summer vacation"的相关试题:

[多项选择]You had a trip last summer vacation. Write an essay of about 120 words to describe your trip and your feeling or impression on the trip. The rifle of this essay is. The Trip To ....
[简答题]Suppose you had a bad cold during your last trip to a famous mountain. The tourist guide has helped you a lot. Write a letter of thanks to the travel agency. Your letter Should include:
1) a description of your case
2) thanks to the tourist guide and the travel agency
You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead.
[填空题]If you had spoken to him last time you saw him, you ______ (know) what to do now.
[单项选择]How long did the trip last()
A. 6 weeks.
B. 65 days.
C. 6 months.
D. 6 months and 5 days.

In California on a business trip last month, I met a mom with two kids who’d graduated from business school in the late 1990s. She’d been home with the kids for five years, she explained, but was looking to go back. I assumed she’d return to the field she’d entered after business school. "I want to go into something non-profit," she said instead.
Now, I firmly believe that nonprofit careers are tremendously rewarding, but my heart sank a bit from the expression on my new friend’s face. I suspected I knew what she was thinking. Over the years, rye studied working and stay-at-home morns, I’ve met dozens of successful former lawyers and businesswomen in a range of profitable fields who lose their confidence after staying home for a few years. They assume they can’t return to their original fields, despite their successful track records. They erroneously think going into teaching, social work or nonprofit foundations will be
A. she majored in business back at school.
B. she would like to start a non-profit career.
C. she decided to move back to her own home.
D. she had stayed home without working for 5 years.

[单项选择]In a speech to schoolchildren last week that had some conservative opponents up in arms, President Obama delivered at least one line that seemed incontestable (无可不论的): "I hope you’ll all wash your hands a lot, and stay home from school when you don’t feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fan and winter. "The Disney corporation is now marketing Musical Hand Wash Timers featuring characters like the Little Mermaid, and encouraging parents to "take precaution against swine flu" by teaching children to wash their hands correctly. "Studies prove that regular hand - washing dramatically reduces the spread of infection," says the Disney Web page, which links to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web site.
What is the paragraph mainly about
A. It is publicized that hand - washing is an effective way to reduce the spread of swine flu.
B. President Obama encouraged children to wash hands a lot to stay healthy.
C. Disney corporation now is interested in public health affairs.
D. Washing hands correctly is very important in reducing the spread of swine flu.

Last night I had a frightening experience. I was eating dinner at the fast-food restaurant where I normally go when I’m in a hurry, the manager announced that everybody had to evacuate the building. The place was crowded and that made the situation dangerous, as everyone was determined to get out first. To make matters worse, an elderly woman, who must have weighted 300 pounds, had just come up to the entrance, which was also the only exit. In the meantime, I remembered that I had left my purse in the chair I had been occupying when the announcement was made. It was certainly not convenient to return and get it, but I had to do it. When I finally got outside, I saw that the police bomb squad had arrived and the men were studying the area. They eventually determined that it was all a false alarm and the crowd dispersed.

What was the speaker doing at the fast-food restaurant ()

M: I heard that you took a trip to Japan last month. How did you like it
W: Oh, I got sick and tired of hotels and hotel food. So now I understand the saying, "East, west, home’s best."

How did the woman like her trip to Japan()。
A. She will not go to Japan again.
B. She felt very tired and missed her home.
C. She enjoyed the hotel very much.
D. She was impressed by Japanese food.


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