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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:34:17

[单项选择]Gazing up into the professor’’s eyes, she seemed to ______ all he said.
A. take in
B. take over
C. take on
D. take to

更多"Gazing up into the professor’’s eye"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Gazing up into the professor’’s eyes, she seemed to ______ all he said.
A. take in
B. take over
C. take on
D. take to
[简答题]Tets of reaction times also seemed to back up the notion that the two hemispheres differed in their processing styles. A trick researchers use to ensure that an image goes to one hemisphere first, and then to the opposite side of the brain. (46) If the nature of the stimulus and the preference of the hemisphere match up, then the person can respond slightly more quickly and accurately in identifying the local or global letter.
Still more startling, researchers found that the same appears to hold for the brains of chimps (黑猩猩) and perhaps other primates (灵长类). (47) The assumption has always been that handedness and brain asymmetry are strictly human traits—part of the great brain reorganization that allowed our ancestor to use tools, speak and perhaps even think rationally. But handedness is now widely claimed for primates and even birds, amphibians (两栖动物) and whales, and in the past few years, some psychologists have Tested chimps and baboons (狒狒) a
[填空题]Tears in eyes, she found his cat seriously (wound) ______.
[单项选择]( ) can be judged from her eyes, she has no personal hostility to us.
A. It
B. As
C. Which
D. That
[单项选择]A. She got up later than usual. B. She took the wrong train.
C. She forgot that she should work. D. The train was late.
[单项选择]She always makes ______ after she gets up.
A. a bed
B. the bed
C. bed
[单项选择]A. Because she got up too late.B. Because she missed the bus.
  C. Because the bus broke down. D. Because the bus came late.
[单项选择]A) She asked a leave of absence. C) She got up late.
B) She was late because of the traffic jam. D) She worked very hard.


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