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发布时间:2024-08-02 02:07:21

[简答题]Tets of reaction times also seemed to back up the notion that the two hemispheres differed in their processing styles. A trick researchers use to ensure that an image goes to one hemisphere first, and then to the opposite side of the brain. (46) If the nature of the stimulus and the preference of the hemisphere match up, then the person can respond slightly more quickly and accurately in identifying the local or global letter.
Still more startling, researchers found that the same appears to hold for the brains of chimps (黑猩猩) and perhaps other primates (灵长类). (47) The assumption has always been that handedness and brain asymmetry are strictly human traits—part of the great brain reorganization that allowed our ancestor to use tools, speak and perhaps even think rationally. But handedness is now widely claimed for primates and even birds, amphibians (两栖动物) and whales, and in the past few years, some psychologists have Tested chimps and baboons (狒狒) a

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[简答题]Tets of reaction times also seemed to back up the notion that the two hemispheres differed in their processing styles. A trick researchers use to ensure that an image goes to one hemisphere first, and then to the opposite side of the brain. (46) If the nature of the stimulus and the preference of the hemisphere match up, then the person can respond slightly more quickly and accurately in identifying the local or global letter.
Still more startling, researchers found that the same appears to hold for the brains of chimps (黑猩猩) and perhaps other primates (灵长类). (47) The assumption has always been that handedness and brain asymmetry are strictly human traits—part of the great brain reorganization that allowed our ancestor to use tools, speak and perhaps even think rationally. But handedness is now widely claimed for primates and even birds, amphibians (两栖动物) and whales, and in the past few years, some psychologists have Tested chimps and baboons (狒狒) a
[单项选择]()for several times, Bill made up his mind not to play computer games at night any more.
A. To be scolded
B. To have been scolded
C. Being scolded
D. Having been scolded
[单项选择]Most towns up to Elizabethan times were smaller than a modern village and each of them was built around its weekly market where local produce was brought for sale and the town folks sold their work to the people from the countryside and provided them with refreshment for the day. Trade was virtually confined to that one day even in a town of a thousand or so people. On market days craftsmen put up their stalls in the open air whilst on one or two other days during the week the townsman would pack up his loaves, or nails, or cloth, and set out early to do a day’s trade in the market of an adjoining town where, however, he would be charged a heavy toll for the privilege and get a less favourable spot for his stand than the local craftsmen. Another chance for him to make a sale was to the congregation gathered for Sunday morning worship. Although no trade was allowed anywhere during the hours of the service (except at annual fair times), after church there would be some trade at the churc
A. there they could easily find good refreshment.
B. there they could work in the open air.
C. there they could start work very early.
D. there they could have the well-placed stalls.
[填空题]They failed six times, however, they have made up their minds (try)()the seventh time.
[单项选择]Museum Keeping Up with the Times
Graham Roux, director of the Lyall Bay Museum, announced today that the facility will undergo a major renovation over the next two years. The museum was initially built in 1974 ancl has received no significant structural upgrades since that time. Mr. Roux unveiled the redevelopment proposal at an official ceremony yesterday. During his speech, he indicated that, in its current state, the museum is too ordinary and lacks notable features to attract local visitors and foreign tourists.
Mr. Roux has been working on the project since he was appointed lasl June. Although his ideas quickly generated enthusiasm in the community, raising the funds to carry out the task proved extremely difficult. His initial plan to charge admission to the museum met with fierce opposition. Instead, he finally managed to secure $20 million dollars from private sources, as well as a $4 million granl from the Lyall Bay Municipal Government, to fund the
A. Traditional artifacts
B. Contemporary items
C. Local images
D. Futuristic visions
[填空题]China also allowed private businesses to set up dozens of ______ colleges to supplement state-run schools.


while others should be hold up well in times of high inflation. The portfolio might also


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