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发布时间:2024-09-18 01:47:36

Energy Resources

Humans are using up the world’s energy resources in a way no other animal has ever done. We use them to provide light and heating in our homes, to plough the land, to cook our food, to travel, to run our factories, and in countless other ways. Whether we are rural workers in a developing country or urban workers in a wealthy industrial country, we all need energy, although the sources of the energy and the amounts used vary greatly from one society to another.
There are different forms or types of energy. Fuels such as coal, oil (petroleum), and wood contain chemical energy. When these fuels are burnt, the chemical energy changes to heat and light energy.
Electricity is the most important form of energy in the industrialized world, because it can be transported over long distances via cables and transmission lines. It is also a very convenient form of energy, since it can power a wide va
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

更多"Energy Resources Humans are u"的相关试题:

Energy Resources

Humans are using up the world’s energy resources in a way no other animal has ever done. We use them to provide light and heating in our homes, to plough the land, to cook our food, to travel, to run our factories, and in countless other ways. Whether we are rural workers in a developing country or urban workers in a wealthy industrial country, we all need energy, although the sources of the energy and the amounts used vary greatly from one society to another.
There are different forms or types of energy. Fuels such as coal, oil (petroleum), and wood contain chemical energy. When these fuels are burnt, the chemical energy changes to heat and light energy.
Electricity is the most important form of energy in the industrialized world, because it can be transported over long distances via cables and transmission lines. It is also a very convenient form of energy, since it can power a wide va
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

[简答题]Dr. Press said that humans have set up ______ systems for plate tectonics disasters to limit their downside effects.

[填空题]Ever since humans began using their minds to master their environment, the (36) and use of an excellent memory has been (37) for anyone rising to positions of command and respect, No great leader in human history was thought to have a bad memory. As a matter of fact, the people who are looked down upon by history, (38) .from not having good leadership skills, often were the ones with poor memories.
The use of memory (39) reached its summit in the Middle Ages. People in the Middle Ages were crazy about memory systems. It seems to have had a lot to do with the (40) of paper, but there were other reasons as well. (41) systems in religion, law, government, business, and what we would nowadays call "media" were developing. In short, there was a lot to memorize. Everything in European culture of the time reflected people’s efforts to organize information in their heads. Cathedrals, with their painted wall paintings and (42
[填空题]More and more new types of energy resources have been exploited ______.(来代替煤和石油)


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