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发布时间:2023-11-01 01:22:23

[简答题]Dr. Press said that humans have set up ______ systems for plate tectonics disasters to limit their downside effects.

更多"Dr. Press said that humans have set"的相关试题:

[填空题]Observation posts have been set up alongside the most dangerous craters to ______.

[填空题]Mark Lilla:
Young clients often have not set up their credit ratings. Many of them do not have steady in-comes. They might have difficulty borrowing money from an agency in business to make loans. Parents or relatives are often their best source of loans. Of course, the parents or relatives would have to have money available and be willing to lend it. You might even get an interest-free loan. Nevertheless, a parent or relative who lends should receive interest the same as any other lender.
Chris Roddy:
For most consumers the cheapest place to borrow is at a commercial bank. Banks are such a good source of installment loans that it may run for a year or up to three years. Most banks also make single payment loans to consumers for short periods at 30, 60, or 90 days. A typical interest rate is 3 cents per $ 100 per day. Suppose that you used $ 100 of your credit and repaid it in 30 days. The cost would be 90 cents.
[填空题]Ground stations have been set up in order to avoid the problem of double time lag.

[填空题]Those people who have set up correct goals will always be happy.
[简答题]Who set up the Canadian navy
[单项选择]Businessmen who run factories usually set up their factories in places where ______.
A. local supplies of coal and electric power are easily gained
B. there is a big river
C. there are a lot of factories
D. the factories are easily reached by road and railway
[填空题]Language immersion programmes were set up for sectors of the population.
[填空题]When did the man set up his own company
[单项选择]Dryden Limited helped Beth to set up Jumpstart by providing
A. office space.
B. office equipment.
C. office stall’.
[填空题]China also allowed private businesses to set up dozens of ______ colleges to supplement state-run schools.


They demand to set up an organization flexible enough to cope with any emergency()

A. portable
B. valiant
C. trivial
D. mobile

The National Health Service in Britain was set up in 1948{{U}} (26) {{/U}}after the end of the Second World War. Its{{U}} (27) {{/U}}is to provide free medical treatment for all patients who wish to take advantage of the{{U}} (28) {{/U}}. However, it is still possible to{{U}} (29) {{/U}}private medical treatment and in this case the doctor charges a fee.
To say that the National Health Service is free is not{{U}} (30) {{/U}}true. Every employed or self-employed person over 16 years of age must put a stamp on an{{U}} (31) {{/U}}card every week. This card is{{U}} (32) {{/U}}by a government department called the Department of Health and Social Security. The stamp costs money and the{{U}} (33) {{/U}}is constantly changing.{{U}} (34) {{/U}}, and it finances the National Health Service together with many other social security benefits such as retirement pensions, unemployment benefit, sickness benefit and so on.
In ord


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