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发布时间:2024-07-30 19:40:22

[单项选择]The passage suggests that "the indeterminancy of radical translation" (line 25)
A. undermines the transmission of cultural meaning between the generations of a culture
B. fails to prove that outsiders like anthropologists and writers should forego attempting to understand foreign cultures
C. underscores the importance of the transmission of a particular language to the memory of its corresponding culture
D. suggests that certain cultural objects can be focused on to understand a culture in non-linguistic terms
E. complicates on occasion the entry of an individual into a community

更多"The passage suggests that 'the inde"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The passage suggests that scientists consider their understanding of gamma-bursts to be
A. incomplete because they still have yet to establish a taxonomy of the various types of GHBs they have observed
B. adequate enough to redirect research toward other more perplexing aspects of black holes
C. unsurprising, given that scientists have long felt kinetic energy to play a role in the emergence of GHBs
D. disappointing because the mechanism by which GHBs become visible is still poorly understood
E. in need of confirmation through comparison with another astronomical phenomenon that involves electromagnetic bursts
[单项选择]The passage suggests that an assumption underlying Connerton’s theory of dance and social memory is that
A. the automatic nature of dance tends to restrict the extent to which dances can be "read"
B. the value and effectiveness of dance performance lies in transmitting social memory through unconscious means
C. the legitimization of most social orders stems from social memory transmitted through dance
D. folklore and community history are the principal narratives dance is capable of expressing
E. social structures would most likely be more conservative if dance did not transmit social memory
[单项选择]The passage suggests that the mystification of the artistic process by certain art historians and artists can be traced to
A. the necessity of protecting artistic meaning from a general public who would most likely misunderstand and object to it
B. an unconscious tendency of non-artists to lionize those artists whom the public admires but fails to understand
C. a desire to protect and maintain the isolation between those who make art and those who analyze it, so as to reinforce the creative/critical distinction
D. a movement to expunge the challenging texts of dual artist/critics like Leonardo da Vinci and Mary Kelly from the critical canon
E. a distinction between the methodology of scholars, who tend to be erudite, and that of artists, who are more intuitive in their thinking processes
[单项选择]The passage suggests that all research has proven that which of the following is true about the phenomenon of synesthesia
A. The lack of synesthetic color differences tends to hinder synesthetics in the same tasks where the presence of real color differences assists nonsynesthetes.
B. The presence of real color differences tends to assist nonsynesthetes in the same tasks where the lack of synesthetic color differences assists synesthetes.
C. The presence of synesthetic color differences tends to assist synesthetics in the same tasks where the presence of real color differences hinders nonsynesthetes.
D. The lack of synesthetic color differences tends to hinder nonsynesthetes in the same tasks where the presence of real color differences assists synesthetes.
E. The presence of real color differences tends to assist synesthetes in the same tasks where the lack of synesthetic color differences hinders nonsynesthetes.
[填空题]The passage suggests that parents should always help their children in paying their debt.

[单项选择]Passage Three New research suggests that animals have a much higher level of brainpower than previously thought. If animals do have intelligence, how do scientists measure it Before defining animals’ intelligence, scientists defined what is not intelligence . Instinct is not intelligence. It is a skill programmed into an animal’s brain . Rote conditioning is also not intelligence. Tricks can be learned by repetition, but no real thinking is involved . Scientists believe that insight(顿悟) the ability to use tools , and communication using human language are all effective measures of the mental ability of animals. Scientists define insight as a flash of sudden understanding . When a young gorilla could not reach fruit from a tree , she noticed some boxes scattered about the lawn near the tree . She piled up the boxes , then climbed on them to reach her reward . The gorilla’s insight allowed her to solve a new problem without trial and error. The ability to use to
A. its ability to classify
B. its ability to count
C. a grasp of human language
D. a flash of sudden understanding
[单项选择]The passage suggests that the post-modernist relegation of an artwork’s author to a minor and irrelevant post
A. has resulted in a greater embrace of art forms that are sometimes wholly electronic
B. has failed to entirely counter the notion that art-making originates at some point with an individual
C. has enabled artists to demonstrate the visual and textual connections between art and art criticism
D. has tended to increase the intimacy of creation at the expense of the cognition of artists
E. has tended to subtly reinforce the ways in which artists are perceived as martyrs
[单项选择]The passage suggests that which of the following would be true if volcanic eruptions did not take place
A. The environment would likely contain fewer non-biodegradable pollutants, due to lesser quantities of sulfurous gases and ash clouds.
B. Greenhouse gas effects on rising global temperatures would likely be somewhat less worrisome than those postulated by scientists today.
C. Acid rain produced by heavy industry would likely be more of a problem than it currently is, given the tendency of volcanic eruptions to hasten atmospheric cycles.
D. Global warming effects caused by human activities would be far more substantial than they are today if volcanic cooling effects ceased to take place.
E. The environment would likely be cooler, for the atmosphere would contain fewer sulfurous gases and ash clouds.
[单项选择]The passage suggests that the author would be likely to agree with which of the following statements about the social structure of eighteenth-century American society
Ⅰ. It allowed greater economic opportunity than it did social mobility.
Ⅱ. It permitted greater economic opportunity prior to 1750 than after 1750.
Ⅲ. It did not contain rigidly defined socioeconomic divisions.
Ⅳ. It prevented economic disputes from arising among members of the society.

A. Ⅰand Ⅳ only.
B. Ⅱand Ⅲ only.
C. Ⅲ and Ⅳ only.
D. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ only.
[单项选择]The passage suggests that one major difficulty in establishing patterns of migration is
A. the infrequency of life course events, which restricts the amount of data available to demographers
B. the overwhelming availability of proxies in migration patterns, which creates a degree of stasis in migration records
C. the lack of parishioner birth records, which limits the hard evidence upon which demographers base their observations
D. the homogeneity of single parishes, which makes it difficult to distinguish the motivations of migrants
E. the repetitive nature of migration, which results in a surfeit of unusable data that overwhelms demographers
[单项选择]The passage suggests that the spiraling decline of black neighborhoods can be blamed primarily upon
A. a lack of political will within underprivileged communities to counter the economic effects of segregation
B. the diminished significance of urban black neighborhoods as economic and residential centers relatively to other areas of the city
C. the tendency of poor blacks to live among other poor minorities, unlike poor whites, who live dispersed among rich whites
D. the uniqueness of the geographic pattern in which black communities have developed in America, relative to other communities
E. a lack of resources within the urban black American communities to resist the forces which lead to segregation
[单项选择]The passage suggests which of the following about Virgina Woolf’s work Ⅰ. Woolf’s most lasting contribution has been the high sense of objectivity she brought to her work, which was mostly lacking in the feminist writing of the time Ⅱ. Much of Woolf’s non-fiction employed narrative strategies more commonly used in narrative at the time. Ⅲ. Woolf’s intentions regarding the use of biographical anecdotes have largely been misread by critics.
A. (A) Ⅰ only
B. (B) Ⅱ only
C. (C) Ⅰ and Ⅲ only
D. (D) Ⅱ and Ⅲ only
E. (E) Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ


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