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发布时间:2023-10-23 02:44:08

[单项选择]The passage suggests that which of the following would be true if volcanic eruptions did not take place
A. The environment would likely contain fewer non-biodegradable pollutants, due to lesser quantities of sulfurous gases and ash clouds.
B. Greenhouse gas effects on rising global temperatures would likely be somewhat less worrisome than those postulated by scientists today.
C. Acid rain produced by heavy industry would likely be more of a problem than it currently is, given the tendency of volcanic eruptions to hasten atmospheric cycles.
D. Global warming effects caused by human activities would be far more substantial than they are today if volcanic cooling effects ceased to take place.
E. The environment would likely be cooler, for the atmosphere would contain fewer sulfurous gases and ash clouds.

更多"The passage suggests that which of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The passage suggests that which of the following would be LEAST important in determining whether a research subject is likely to contract coronary heart disease
A. The ratio of LDL to HDL in the subject’s blood
B. The subject’s level of blood cholesterol
C. The subject’s percentage of body fat
D. The subject’s degree of physical inactivity
E. The consumption ratio of polyunsaturated fats to monounsaturated fats
[单项选择]The passage suggests that which of the following had occurred as a result of education’s failure to diminish social inequity
A. Local forms of belief and practice have begun to erode and disappear in indigenous societies where decentralization has not taken place.
B. The appeal of globalization has recently begun to wane among certain factions of indigenous societies.
C. Sociologists have interpreted the failure as a sign of the globalizing idea’s domination over indigenous societies.
D. The hegemony of the globalizing idea has spread from societies with fewer social inequities to societies with greater social inequities.
E. Educational quality has diminished in all societies, including those which support the notion of globalization.
[单项选择]The passage suggests which of the following about Dorothy Allison’s work
Ⅰ. Non-feminist writers have been less successful in producing historically situated narratives.
Ⅱ. Allison’s fiction successfully negotiates between essentialist arrogance and a reactionary response.
Ⅲ. Allison is more interested in her female antagonists than male protagonists, as characters.
A. Ⅰ only
B. Ⅱ only
C. Ⅰ and Ⅱ only
D. Ⅱ and Ⅲ only
E. Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ
· Read the following passage which advises candidates how to answer difficult interview questions.
· Are the sentences 16-22 "Right" or "Wrong" If there isn’t enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesn’t say".
· For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
{{B}} Attending Interviews{{/B}}
Good interviewers prepare their questions carefully in advance according to the candidate’s application and CV. So candidates need to prepare just as carefully. Here are some useful tips on answering interview questions.
What don’t you like about your current position
No job is perfect; there’s always something we don’t like. Be honest but don’t give a list of complaints. The important thing is talking positively about how you deal with problems at w


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