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发布时间:2024-08-01 02:05:49

[填空题](judge)______from his cheerful look, I am sure that they have won the game.

更多"(judge)______from his cheerful look"的相关试题:

[填空题](judge)______from his cheerful look, I am sure that they have won the game.
[填空题](Judge)______from his cheerful look, I am sure that they have won the game.

[填空题](judge) ______ from his cheerful look, I am sure that they have won the game.
[填空题]The author had learned from his own experience that a lawyer cannot learn much in classrooms.
[简答题]Knocking on wood stems from a primitive belief that ______.

[单项选择]Ben Buchanan made absolutely sure his schedule would be clear this week. Like millions of Americans, the Texas teen is devouring the 672 pages of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth book in the uber-poputar series by J.K. Rowling. And that’s quite a feat in Buchanan’s case. When he got the first Harry Potter book as a Christmas present back in 1998, he was struggling with dyslexia. "I just thought it would be another book I wouldn’t like," says Buchanan, who was ready to toss it out with the wrapping paper. Then his mom read the first chapter aloud to him, and he was determined to conquer his first "real" book.
As the world eagerly cracks open the newest volume, whose initial U.S. run of 10.8 million copies is a publishing record, the true mystery isn’t the identity of the royal figure in the title. It’s what impact these books are having on kids. Are they converting nonreaders like Buchanan Are they capable of helping other books defeat TV and video games in the bat
A. generally agrees with the last paragraph
B. uses a typical example to summarize the author’s view
C. uses a lead-in story to entice readers
D. contradicts the last paragraph
[简答题]Whatever your individual need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. (Passage 2)
[单项选择]From his disappointed look we know the experiment is not to the satisfaction of everyone.()
A. 从他脸上失望的表情看来,实验不能令所有的人满意。
B. 从他脸上令人失望的表情来看,实验不能令人满意。
C. 他脸上失望的表情说明人们对实验不满意。
D. 他脸上失望的表情说明他对实验不满意。


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