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发布时间:2023-10-22 08:10:21

[单项选择]Ben Buchanan made absolutely sure his schedule would be clear this week. Like millions of Americans, the Texas teen is devouring the 672 pages of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth book in the uber-poputar series by J.K. Rowling. And that’s quite a feat in Buchanan’s case. When he got the first Harry Potter book as a Christmas present back in 1998, he was struggling with dyslexia. "I just thought it would be another book I wouldn’t like," says Buchanan, who was ready to toss it out with the wrapping paper. Then his mom read the first chapter aloud to him, and he was determined to conquer his first "real" book.
As the world eagerly cracks open the newest volume, whose initial U.S. run of 10.8 million copies is a publishing record, the true mystery isn’t the identity of the royal figure in the title. It’s what impact these books are having on kids. Are they converting nonreaders like Buchanan Are they capable of helping other books defeat TV and video games in the bat
A. generally agrees with the last paragraph
B. uses a typical example to summarize the author’s view
C. uses a lead-in story to entice readers
D. contradicts the last paragraph

更多"Ben Buchanan made absolutely sure h"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Ben Buchanan made absolutely sure his schedule would be clear this week. Like millions of Americans, the Texas teen is devouring the 672 pages of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth book in the uber-poputar series by J.K. Rowling. And that’s quite a feat in Buchanan’s case. When he got the first Harry Potter book as a Christmas present back in 1998, he was struggling with dyslexia. "I just thought it would be another book I wouldn’t like," says Buchanan, who was ready to toss it out with the wrapping paper. Then his mom read the first chapter aloud to him, and he was determined to conquer his first "real" book.
As the world eagerly cracks open the newest volume, whose initial U.S. run of 10.8 million copies is a publishing record, the true mystery isn’t the identity of the royal figure in the title. It’s what impact these books are having on kids. Are they converting nonreaders like Buchanan Are they capable of helping other books defeat TV and video games in the bat
A. many young people could hardly meet the minimum reading standards set by the study
B. the research group set the lowest standards
C. the research standards were conventionally low
D. the research result was groundbreaking
A. makes
B. made
C. had made
D. would make
[单项选择]I’m absolutely sure of his honesty.
A. 我绝对肯定他是诚实的。
B. 对于他的诚实,我是绝对肯定的。
C. 他的诚实,我是绝对肯定的。
D. 他是诚实的,对于这一点,我是绝对肯定的。
[填空题]What should be made sure when driving backwards in endangered area No ______ in the endangered area.
[填空题]The spokesman made it clear that the president would not ______ (在任何情况下都不会取消这次旅行).
[填空题]______(你的秘书本应该告诉你日程改变了) and made sure you had the right ticket.
[单项选择]Man: Ben borrowed his father’s car without permission, and then crashed it into the garage door.
Woman: No wonder his father went up the wall.
Question: What can we learn about Ben’s father( ).
A. He wouldn’t forgive Ben.
B. He was extremely angry.
C. He was quite disappointed.
D. He couldn’t understand Ben.
[填空题]Ben had his wallet (pick)()yesterday because of his carelessness.
[填空题]He made many mistakes in his Composition because of ( ) (care).
[填空题]He made many mistakes in his composition because of()(care).
[单项选择]What was the first change Dr Carter made to his preparation
A. He began practising alone in a big room.
B. He got colleagues to listen to his performance.
C. He began to develop key parts of his presentation.
[单项选择]He has made up his mind to give up smoking.
A. tried
B. attempted
C. agreed
D. decided
[单项选择]If you are not sure which exercise schedule best suits your personal needs, please () our detailed guidebook, or speak to one of our specialists.
A. refer
B. consult
C. discuss
D. consider


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