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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:35:58


Have you ever heard of a flower whose seeds are carried and spread by elephants The rafflesia, a rare blossom, is very unusual. Found in the rain forests of Sumatra, the raffiesia is the world’s largest flower, measuring three feet in diameter!
This giant flower is a parasite -- it needs another plant to live on. It lacks the structures needed to survive alone. The rafflesia has no stem or leaves. It is all flower. It attaches itself to the roots of other plants and sucks their juices. The flower’s favorite home is the root of the vine, which grows above ground.
The raffiesia seems to burst right out of the forest floor. Its blossom weighs fifteen pounds! It has thick, spotted petals that give off a rotten smell. The center is about the size of a household bucket. After a rain, it may hold up to twelve pints of water!
After the raffiesia dies, it becomes a pool of thick liquid in which its seeds float. Elephants wandering through the forest ste
A. provide food for the giant flower
B. water the raffiesia with their trunks
C. carry raffiesia seeds from one place to another
D. stomp out the awful smelling petals

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Have you ever heard of a flower whose seeds are carried and spread by elephants The rafflesia, a rare blossom, is very unusual. Found in the rain forests of Sumatra, the raffiesia is the world’s largest flower, measuring three feet in diameter!
This giant flower is a parasite -- it needs another plant to live on. It lacks the structures needed to survive alone. The rafflesia has no stem or leaves. It is all flower. It attaches itself to the roots of other plants and sucks their juices. The flower’s favorite home is the root of the vine, which grows above ground.
The raffiesia seems to burst right out of the forest floor. Its blossom weighs fifteen pounds! It has thick, spotted petals that give off a rotten smell. The center is about the size of a household bucket. After a rain, it may hold up to twelve pints of water!
After the raffiesia dies, it becomes a pool of thick liquid in which its seeds float. Elephants wandering through the forest ste
A. likes elephants
B. has a very large garden
C. admires the wonders of nature
D. likes to measure things


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