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发布时间:2024-07-30 18:31:35

[填空题]In a world governed by mutual fear and mistrust, the most dangerous problem for the UN to deal with is ______.

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[填空题]In a world governed by mutual fear and mistrust, the most dangerous problem for the UN to deal with is ______.

Earthquakes are something that most people fear. There are some places that have few or no earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly. Some places, like Iran and Guatemala have them frequently. Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous.
The most talked about earthquake in the United States was in San Francisco in 1906. Over 500 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska. Some earthquakes are not always tile ones that kill the most people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 20,000 people died.
In 1923, a very powerful earthquake hit the Tokyo-Yokohana area of Japan. A hundred and forty thousand people died. Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake.
One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 1976. It killed a large number of people. The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China. 40

[单项选择]Our hope for creative living in this world house that we have inherited lies in our ability to re- establish the moral ends of our lives.()
A. 我们希望创造生活并存在其中,并且继承这种重建道德的能力之中。
B. 我们希望富有创造性地生活在我们继承的这个世界中,这种希望存在于我们重新建立道 德标准的能力之中。
C. 我们的希望是建立生活的标准,这种希望继承在能够再次建立道德标准的能力中。
D. 我们的希望是有创造性地生活在世界家庭中,这种希望存在在再次建立道德规范的标准 之中。
[简答题]Dear Prof. Green,
Our mutual friend Mr. Smith told me that you would visit China next month this year. May I take the opportunity to invite you to come to our college to give the students some lectures on "Modem American Economy"
Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.
With warm personal regards.
Your sincerely,

[填空题]Infants use all their senses to learn the world. They "talk" with (1) ______
others through actions and sounds, experiment with objects and noises. (2) ______
They enjoy watching the results of their actions. This is how children
learn, make sense of the world, and learn to communicate. When the (3) ______
babies coo, babble, and interact with others, they are developing
language skills.
Children quickly begin to understand the meanings of symbols—that a
smile and pleasant tone of voice mean the person speak to them is happy, (4) ______
that dimming lights mean it is naptime, and that putting on a coat means a (5) ______
trip to outside.
Young children think that when they cannot see to someone and (6) ______
something, it is gone forever. When important people in their lives leave,
they do not understand that they will return. This period of development
is hard with parents and children. (7) _

  One of the most famous bridges in the world is the Golden Gate Bridge that spans San Francisco Bay. Because it was built in 1937 ,it has become one of the first sights people see if they are coming to San Francisco by ship. The main part of the Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension span. It hangs from steel cables that are supported by two. huge towers, one at each end of the bridge. The suspension span was the longest in the world when it was finished in 1937. It measures 4,200 feet between the towers. The floor of the bridge is wide enough for six lanes of cars, three in each direction. There are sidewalks, too, but not many people use them. It costs a lot of time to go on foot from one end of the bridge to the other.
  The years since 1950 have been called the era of the giant bridge. Most of them have been built in the United States. The Mackinac Bridge in upper Michigan was finished in 1958. It is a suspension bridge, with foundations resting on rock 200 feet below th


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