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发布时间:2023-10-22 22:19:33

[单项选择]Our hope for creative living in this world house that we have inherited lies in our ability to re- establish the moral ends of our lives.()
A. 我们希望创造生活并存在其中,并且继承这种重建道德的能力之中。
B. 我们希望富有创造性地生活在我们继承的这个世界中,这种希望存在于我们重新建立道 德标准的能力之中。
C. 我们的希望是建立生活的标准,这种希望继承在能够再次建立道德标准的能力中。
D. 我们的希望是有创造性地生活在世界家庭中,这种希望存在在再次建立道德规范的标准 之中。

更多"Our hope for creative living in thi"的相关试题:

[简答题]We sincerely hope that our above request will meet your approval, and look forward to your immediate reply.
[单项选择]We hope that our customers can() advantage of this new service.
A. have
B. carry
C. take
D. bring
[简答题]spread messages of hope for a peaceful world
[单项选择]We expressed our hope()we could come to visit this city again.
A. that
B. it
C. which
D. what
[单项选择]A. Nuclear energy is our best hope for the future.
B. Nuclear energy poses a threat to the safety of the population.
C. Too many accidents are happening at nuclear power plants.
D. It is hard to have an agreement on nuclear energy.
[简答题]Due to falling house prices, our apartment is __________ (比一年前价值低了).

In our increasingly complex world, information is becoming the basic building block of the society. (46) However, at a time when the acquisition of new scientific information alone is approaching a rate of 250 million pages annually, the tide of knowledge is. overwhelming the human capability of dealing with it. So man must turn to a machine if he hopes to contain the tide and channel it to beneficial ends.
(47) The electronic computer, handling millions of facts with the swiftness of light, has given contemporary meaning to Aristotle’s vision of the liberating possibilities of machines: "When looms weave by themselves, man’s slavery will end." By transforming the way in which he gathers, stores, retrieves, and uses information, this versatile instrument is helping man to overcome his mental and physical limitations. (48) It is vastly widening his intellectual horizon, enabling him better to comprehend his universe, and providing the

Population and Our Planet

A very important world problem is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit this planet. The limited amount of land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate.
So why is this huge increase in population taking place It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control". You have no doubt heard of the term "Birth Control". "Death Control" is something rather different. It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that include farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.
If w
A. most of the world’s land is unusable
B. there are more seas than land in the world
C. the world’s land has already been taken up
D. the world’s land is not distributed equally


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