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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:41:44

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

While no woman has been President of the United States, yet the world does have several thousand years of experience with female leaders, and I have to acknowledge it: their historical record puts men’s to shame.
A notable share of the great leaders in history have been women: Queen Hatshepsut and Cleopatra of Egypt, Empress Wu Zetian of China, Isabella of Castile, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Catherine the Great of Russia, and Maria Theresa of Austria. Granted, I’m neglecting the likes of Bloody Mary, but it’s still true that those women who climbed to power in monarchies had an astonishingly high success rate.
Research by political psychologists points to possible explanations. Scholars find that women, compared with men, tend to excel in consensus-building and certain other skills useful in
A. women are in a dilemma when coping with a narrow elite.
B. the same words from women are rated lower than those from men.
C. people tend to be more offended by women’s self-promotion.
D. a boss may judge a physically attractive woman unfit for a job.

更多"{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} While"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

While no woman has been President of the United States, yet the world does have several thousand years of experience with female leaders, and I have to acknowledge it: their historical record puts men’s to shame.
A notable share of the great leaders in history have been women: Queen Hatshepsut and Cleopatra of Egypt, Empress Wu Zetian of China, Isabella of Castile, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Catherine the Great of Russia, and Maria Theresa of Austria. Granted, I’m neglecting the likes of Bloody Mary, but it’s still true that those women who climbed to power in monarchies had an astonishingly high success rate.
Research by political psychologists points to possible explanations. Scholars find that women, compared with men, tend to excel in consensus-building and certain other skills useful in
A. Women have had a better record than men throughout history.
B. Women have far exceeded men in leadership throughout history.
C. Women have made men ashamed of their own historical record.
D. Women have far exceeded men in recording experience throughout history.
[单项选择]While no woman has been President of the United States, yet the world does have several thousand years of experience with female leaders, and I have to acknowledge it: their historical record puts men’s to shame.
A notable share of the great leaders in history have been women: Queen Hatshepsut and Cleopatra of Egypt, Empress Wu Zetian of China, Isabella of Castile, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Catherine the Great of Russia, and Maria Theresa of Austria. Granted, I’m neglecting the likes of Bloody Mary, but it’s still true that those women who climbed to power in monarchies had an astonishingly high success rate.
Research by political psychologists points to possible explanations. Scholars find that women, compared with men, tend to excel in consensus-building and certain other skills useful in leadership. If so, why have female political leaders been so much less impressive in the democratic era Margaret Thatcher was a transformative figure, but women have been mediocre pr
A. Women have had a better record than men throughout history.
B. Women have far exceeded men in leadership throughout history.
C. Women have made men ashamed of their own historical record.
D. Women have far exceeded men in recording experience throughout history.
[单项选择]A. The woman was once married.
B. The woman has kept a diary.
C. The woman has a diary of her marriage.
D. The woman doesn’t write a diary now.
[简答题]Text B In recent years American society has become increasingly dependent on its universities to find solutions to its major problems. It is the universities that have been charged with the principal responsibility for developing the expertise to place men on the moon; for dealing with our urban problems and with our deteriorating environment; for developing the means to feed the world’s rapidly increasing population. The effort involved in meeting these demands presents its own problems. In addition, this concentration on the creation of new knowledge significantly impinges on the universities’ efforts to perform their other principal functions, the transmission and interpretation of knowledge ---- the imparting of the heritage of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward. With regard to this, perhaps their most traditionally sanctioned task, colleges and universities today find themselves in a serious bind generally. On the one hand, there is the
A. A.creating new knowledge
B.providing solutions to social problems
C. making experts on sophisticated industries out of their students
D.preparing their students to transmit inherited knowledge

[简答题]A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called "aunt" or "granny" can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a kind heart, great courage and concern for others.
[单项选择]A. Places the woman has visited.
B. A paper the woman is writing for a class.
C. School activities they enjoy.
D. The man’s plans for the summer.
[单项选择]A. The woman has trouble meeting her parents.
B. The woman seldom calls her parents because she hates them.
C. The man suggests the woman spend less on clothing.
D. The man offers to help her return her clothes.
[单项选择]A 70-year-old woman who has had a number of strokes refuses further life-sustaining interventions, including artificial nutrition and hydration. She is competent, understands the consequences of her actions, is not depressed, and persists in refusing treatment. Her doctor is adamant that she cannot be allowed to die this way and her daughter agrees. An ethics consult has been placed. Who is the appropriate decision maker( )
A. Patient
B. Daughter
C. Doctor
D. Ethics consult team


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