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发布时间:2024-09-28 06:23:39

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

The first coins to appear in the Western world were issued by the Indians and the Ionian Greeks in the eighth century B. C. These coins, which were made of electrum, a natural combination of gold and silver, were irregular in weight and quality. The pure gold and silver coins with related values which appeared during the reign of Croesus (560 -546 B. C. ) provide the first un doubted evidence of standard coinage by state authority. The coins were not perfectly shaped, however, for they were struck with a hand wielded hammer. The trend toward complete mathematical symmetry did not, in fact, begin until the coining press, invented by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century, was generally used in the middle of the seventeenth century.
One should not assume, however, that only machine made coins are prized for their workmanship. The silver dekadrachm from Syracuse, struck about 413 B. C. , is considered one of
A. handmade Western coins
B. worth about a thousand dollars each today
C. made out of different metals
D. noted for their craftsmanship

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{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

The first coins to appear in the Western world were issued by the Indians and the Ionian Greeks in the eighth century B. C. These coins, which were made of electrum, a natural combination of gold and silver, were irregular in weight and quality. The pure gold and silver coins with related values which appeared during the reign of Croesus (560 -546 B. C. ) provide the first un doubted evidence of standard coinage by state authority. The coins were not perfectly shaped, however, for they were struck with a hand wielded hammer. The trend toward complete mathematical symmetry did not, in fact, begin until the coining press, invented by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century, was generally used in the middle of the seventeenth century.
One should not assume, however, that only machine made coins are prized for their workmanship. The silver dekadrachm from Syracuse, struck about 413 B. C. , is considered one of
A. available in quantity
B. inferior in workmanship
C. irregular in shape and size
D. made out of inexpensive metal
[单项选择]Who first used coins as money
[单项选择]{{B}}Text B{{/B}}
One of the first lessons that you learn if you want to be a painter is that it takes only a few basic colors to mix just about any conceivable color. And once that fundamental skill has been acquired, mixing colors, which is well nigh impossible for the uninitiated, becomes practically automatic, almost as easy as tiding a bike. As for what colors can do, singly or in combination, this only becomes more mysterious the longer an artist works.
Much of the mystery is buried deep in the nitty-gritty of technique. The impact of color, the very nature of color, is experienced in relation to other colors and also in relation to a medium. A certain red pigment, for example, will make an utterly different impression if it is presented in a water-based or oil-based medium, in a scumbled or impastoed fashion, as a mark left by a stick of
A. the few basic colors are more important than any mixed color
B. mixing colors can be very difficult
C. colors have very strong expressive powers
D. a single color is more mysterious than colors in combination
[单项选择]The first tin coins were made ______.

A. in China
B. in Philippine
C. in England
D. in countries of Africa
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

When the first white man arrived in Samoa, they found blind men, who could see well enough to de- scribe things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, just after the First World War , Jutes Romaine tested hundreds of blind people and found a few who could tell the different light and dark. In Italy the neurologist Cesare Lomrose discovered a blind girl who could "see" with the tip of her nose and the lobe of her left ear. In 1956 a blind schoolboy in Scotland was taught to differentiate between colored lights and learned to pick out bright objects several feet away. In 1960 a medical board examined a girl in Virginia and found that, even with thick bandages over her eyes, she was able to distinguish different colors and read short sections of large print.
Rose Kuleshova can see with her fingers. She is not blind, but because she grew up in a family of blind people she learned to read B
A. were not entirely blind
B. described things by touching them
C. could see with their hands
D. could see when they held hands
[单项选择]TEXT B I know when the snow melts and the first robins (知更鸟) come to call, when the laughter of children returns to the parks and playgrounds, something wonderful is about to happen. Spring cleaning. I’ll admit spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern .families to grasp. Today’s busy families hardly have time to load the dishwasher, much less clean the doormat. Asking the family to spend the weekend collecting winter dog piles from the melting snow in the backyard is like announcing there will be no more Wi-Fi. It interrupts the natural order. "Honey, what say we spend the weekend beating the rugs, sorting through the boxes in the basement and painting our bedroom a nice lemony yellow " I say. "Can we at least wait until the NBA matches are over " my husband answers. But I tell my family, spring cleaning can’t wait. The temperature has risen just enough to melt snow but not enough for Little League practice to start. Some flowers are peeking out of the thawing ground, but
A. Because there will be more activities when it gets warmer.
B. Because the air is fresher and the breeze is lighter.
C. Because the whole family is full of energy at spring time.
D. Because the snow is melting and the ground is thawing.


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