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发布时间:2023-10-23 14:48:35

[单项选择]A. Writing letters.
B. Reading letters.
C. Sending letters.

更多"A. Writing letters. B. Reading let"的相关试题:

[简答题]Integrated Writing   Reading:Physicist Fred Hoyle casts doubt on the validness of the fossil of archaeopteryx, an ancient bird vital to the evolution from reptile to modern birds. He thinks that the fossil is faked by putting features of a modern bird into a layer of a limestone. The reasons he gives are   1)The fossil is discovered soon after the publication of Darwin’s theory of evolution;   2) The fossil is too perfectly preserved to be true;   3)When the limestone in which the fossil is stored in is cut in half, the two halves do not fit perfectly.   Listening: The professor completely refutes Hoyle’s theory. The reasons are:   1)The museum rejected the theory of evolution at first. This means the fossil could not be faked since even the museum did not approve it.   2) The limestone in which the fossil is stored in is very smooth, so it is reasonable that the details are well preserved   3) Scientists intentional removed some parts of the limestone, making it easier expose
[简答题]Integrated Writing   reading:动物园的角色发生变化,从只供娱乐变成了保护濒危动物,研究动物行为,对公众进行动物教育的场所。   Lecture:动物园的角色没发生变化   1)动物园濒危动物很少,也没有保护濒危动物的良好环境   2)动物园的动物都不怎么动了,都等着喂食的,不会hunting了,不是研究者想观察的行为   3)动物教育不需要再动物园里进行,人们都可以自己在家里看碟,看记录片来了解动物的。
[填空题]Critical Reading Towards Critical Writing
Critical writing depends on critical reading. Doing careful
critical reading of sources and (1) them critically can help you (1)______
to write your own analysis of this subject.
Ⅰ. Critical Reading: What ls It
A. To read critically is to (2) about how a text is argued. (2)______
B. The key:
—Don’t read looking only or primarily for information.
—Do read looking for (3) about the subject matter. (3)______
Ⅱ. How Do We Read Looking for Ways of Thinking
A. Determine the (4) or purpose of the text. (4)______
B. Make some judgments about context.
C. Distinguish the kinds of (5) the text employs. (5)______
D. Examine the (6) the text employs.
[填空题]Students in participating in reading or writing courses learn words based on the recommendation of the course.

[单项选择]Reading and writing have long been thought of as complementary skills: to read is to recognize and interpret language that has been written; to write is to plan and produce language (1) it can be read. It is therefore widely (2) that being able to read implies being able to writer, at least, being able to spell. Often, children are taught to read but (3) no formal tuition in spelling; it is felt that spelling will be" (4) up". The attitude has its (5) in the methods of 200 years ago, when teachers carefully taught spelling, and assumed that reading would (6) automatically. Recent research into spelling errors and "slips of the pen" has begun to show that matters are (7) so simple. There is no necessary link between reading and writing: good readers do not always (8) good writers. Nor is there any necessary link between reading and spelling: there are many people who have no (9) in reading, but who have a major persistent
A. were
B. exists
C. is
D. came


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