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发布时间:2023-10-22 20:06:19

[单项选择]What’s the advantage for the people who join the co-up for 6 month period
A. The membership fee is lower.
B. They can help choose the products that will be sold.
C. They may attend fewer meetings.
D. They may go to the co-up more times per week.

更多"What’s the advantage for the people"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What’s the advantage for the people who join the co - up for 6 month period
A. The membership fee is lower.
B. They can help choose the products that will be sold.
C. They may attend fewer meetings.
D. They may go to the co -up more times per week.

What have people who listened to the radio regularly ever experienced
[单项选择]What is the newest problem facing people who drive to school
A. Pollution in the air.
B. A lack of parking.
C. Accidents with bicycles.
D. A lack of bridges.
[单项选择]People who are extremely careful and "finish what they start" may have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study involving Catholic nuns and priests.
The most conscientious and self-disciplined individuals were found to be 89% less likely to develop this form of dementia—deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain—than their peers over the course of the 12-year study.
Robert Wilson at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, US, and colleagues followed 997 healthy Catholic nuns, priests and Christian brothers between 1994 and 2006. Early on in the study, participants completed a personality test to determine how conscientious they were.
Based on answers to 12 questions such as "I am a productive person who always gets the job done", they received a score ranging from 0 to 48. On average, volunteers scored 34 points in the test.

What is the percentage of the people who are unhappy with their houses
[单项选择]People who own dogs often remark on what good company they are and what fun they have together.()
A. 拥有狗的那些人经常评论说狗是多么好的朋友,和它们一起有很多乐趣。
B. 养狗的那些人经常说他们的狗是多么好的伙伴,同它们玩多么有趣。
C. 有狗的人常谈论他们的狗是他们的好伙伴,和狗在一起他们很开心。
D. 养狗的人常说狗是他们的好朋友,同它们玩很有趣。

What does the speaker mean a. People who throw dirt will be punished. b. People who throw dirt will meet resistance. c. People who throw dirt will lose justification and support. d. People who throw dirt will get dirty themselves.

What is the ultimate goal of life for people who may hold different beliefs
[填空题]Remarkable People What makes a person remarkable The word "remarkable" means " (21) " or "worthy of notice. " A remarkable person, then, is someone who is unusual, who is worthy of our noticing. Of course being "unusual" or "worthy of notice" does (22) mean being famous or (23) . Many famous people are not remarkable, and many people who are truly remarkable are not famous. These people are remarkable because all of them, (24) and then worked hard to achieve them. Perhaps that is the (25) of remarkable (26) people with the courage, strength and perseverance to work—and keep on working—toward something that they (27) . As booker T. Washington once said, "Success is to be measured not so much by the (28) that one has reached in life as by the (29) which he has overcome while trying to succeed. We can learn a great deal from people we consider to be remarkable. We can (30) by their work and their way of being because they enable us to see what i


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