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发布时间:2023-10-22 11:39:45


M: Doctor! Doctor! Help me, please!
W: Take it easy, please! Sit here, now, what’s the matter with you And can I help you
M: I feel sick. I have a bad stomach-ache, and my head troubles me a lot.
W: Well, let me have a check. Open your mouth please. And say "Ah".
M: Ah! Is that serious, doctor
W: Not really. Did you have your supper this evening
M: No, I only had some bananas.
W: And the bananas were not quite ripe, fight
M: Well, yes, they were a bit green.
W: That explains it.
M: I wish I had not eaten them.
W: Take this medicine twice a day and I’m sure you’ll be fine.
M: Thanks, doctor. I’ll do as you told me. Good-bye, doctor.
W: Bye! And take care.

Did the man have a had headache( ).
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn’t.
C. We are not sure.

更多"M: Doctor! Doctor! Help me, please!"的相关试题:


M: Doctor! Doctor! Help me, please!
W: Take it easy, please! Sit here, now, what’s the matter with you And can I help you
M: I feel sick. I have a bad stomach-ache, and my head troubles me a lot.
W: Well, let me have a check. Open your mouth please. And say "Ah".
M: Ah! Is that serious, doctor
W: Not really. Did you have your supper this evening
M: No, I only had some bananas.
W: And the bananas were not quite ripe, fight
M: Well, yes, they were a bit green.
W: That explains it.
M: I wish I had not eaten them.
W: Take this medicine twice a day and I’m sure you’ll be fine.
M: Thanks, doctor. I’ll do as you told me. Good-bye, doctor.
W: Bye! And take care.

Did the man have a had headache()
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn’t.
C. We are not sure.

Imagine a world where your doctor could help you avoid sickness, using knowledge of your genes as well as how you live your life. Or where he would prescribe drugs he knew would work and not have debilitating side-effects.
Such a future is arriving faster than most realise: genetic tests are already widely used to identify patients who will be helped or harmed by certain drugs. And three years ago, in the face of a torrent of new scientific data, a number of new companies set themselves up to interpret this information for customers. Through shop fronts on the internet, anyone could order a testing kit, spit into a tube and send off their DNA—with results downloaded privately at home. Already customers can find out their response to many common medications, such as antivirals and blood-thinning agents. They can also explore their genetic likelihood
A. identify customers’response to common medications
B. diagnose customers’ health state in the future
C. judge customers’ genetic inclination to some diseases
D. find the cause for some diseases, such as glaucoma


W: Please, please, can you help me I. seem to have lost my handbag.
M: Calm down, madam. Well, I’ll have to fill out this report for you. What color is it, madam
W: Well, it is a white one.
M: How big is it
W: Mm, I guess it’s about one foot long and seven inches tall.
M: One foot long and seven inches tall. What’s in the bag, madam
W: There is a wallet, two keys, and a letter.
M: And where did you leave it’
W: I am sure I left it in the coffee shop on the 5th floor.
M: Don’t worry, madam. I am sure we can find it. Now could you give me your name, your address and telephone number

Where did the conversation most probably take place ( )
A. In a restaurant.
B. In the police station.
C. In a shop.

M: Excuse me, can you help me please I’ve lost my watch.
W: Where do you think you lost it
M: Well, I think I must have left it in the gentlemen’s toilets.
W: Do you know what time
M: Well, it was only about quarter of an hour ago. I think I took it off to wash my hands and I left it on the window ledge just in front of the wash-basin. And I went back to my room and I realized I’d lost my watch, so I went back to the gentlemen’s toilets again to see if it was there, and it disappeared. I wondered if maybe one of the cleaners had picked it up.
W: No, did you ask the attendant if he’d seen it
M: Er, the attendant wasn’t there at the time actually. I didn’t see anyone else there.
W: Right, can you give me some details, then, please
M: Well, it’s an ordinary sort of watch, you know, not one of those fancy digital things.
W: No.
M: It’s…

A. At a Lost Property Office.
B. In a police station.
C. In a hotel.
D. In a restaurant.


W: Excuse me. Can you help me please I’m a new student and I want to take some English classes.
M: So do I.
W: Oh! Are you a foreign student, too
M: Yes. I’m Swedish. You’re Spanish, aren’t you
W: No. I speak Spanish, but I come from Columbia.
M: There is a notice board over there. That may tell us which room we should go to.
W: Oh, good idea! "Room 110, New students", we are both new students, right
M: Yes, you’re right... No, wait a minute. What about "Room 290, English Language" Is that the place we should go
W: Look, further down, near the bottom... "Room 310, English for Foreign New and Old Students".
M: That sounds right.
W: I think that’s it.
M: OK. Let’s go to Room 310. By the way, my name is Carl, Carl Lindstrom.
W: I’m Rose Rose Morello.
M: I’m glad to meet you,Rose.
W: So am I
A. A new student and an old student.
B. Students learning Spanish.
C. Students learning English.


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