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发布时间:2023-10-23 00:09:31


M: I don’t know what to wear today. Is it going to be cold or warm
W: It looks like it’s going to rain today.

What can we learn from the conversation ()
A. The man is going out.
B. The man is staying home,
C. The woman is going out.
D. The woman is staying home.

更多"M: I don’t know what to wear "的相关试题:


M: I don’t know what to wear today. Is it going to be cold or warm
W: It looks like it’s going to rain today.

What can we learn from the conversation( ).
A. The man is going out.
B. The woman is going out.
C. The man is staying home.
D. The woman is staying hom

M: I don’t know what to wear today. Is it going to be cold or warm
W: It looks like it’s going to rain today.

What can we learn from the conversation()
A. The man is going out.
B. The woman is going out.
C. The man is staying home.
D. The woman is staying hom

A. Most of us know what it’s like to stay in a job after it’s stopped being satisfying, or to take on a project that’s too big and be reluctant to admit it. CEOs have been known to allocate manpower and money to projects long after it becomes clear that they are failing. The costs to a person who does not know when to quit can be enormous. In economics it’s known as sunk cost fallacy. While we recognize the fallacy almost immediately in others, it’s harder to see in ourselves. Why
B. In one of their studies, they put participants into either a promotion or prevention focus. Next, each participant was told to imagine that he or she was CEO of an aviation company that had committed $10 million to developing a plane that can’t be detected by radar. With the project near completion and $9 million already spent, a rival company announces the availability of their own radar-blank plane which is both superior in performance and lower in cost.

[填空题]People wear it.

[填空题]But she doesn’t know how can she go to it.
But she doesn’t know ______.

[填空题]Man can wear it on.

[填空题]You know what other people mean.

[填空题]People wear it on their heads.
[填空题]We wear it on our head.

[填空题]People wear it to protect their feet.


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