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发布时间:2023-12-14 03:26:21


A. Most of us know what it’s like to stay in a job after it’s stopped being satisfying, or to take on a project that’s too big and be reluctant to admit it. CEOs have been known to allocate manpower and money to projects long after it becomes clear that they are failing. The costs to a person who does not know when to quit can be enormous. In economics it’s known as sunk cost fallacy. While we recognize the fallacy almost immediately in others, it’s harder to see in ourselves. Why
B. In one of their studies, they put participants into either a promotion or prevention focus. Next, each participant was told to imagine that he or she was CEO of an aviation company that had committed $10 million to developing a plane that can’t be detected by radar. With the project near completion and $9 million already spent, a rival company announces the availability of their own radar-blank plane which is both superior in performance and lower in cost.

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A. Most of us know what it’s like to stay in a job after it’s stopped being satisfying, or to take on a project that’s too big and be reluctant to admit it. CEOs have been known to allocate manpower and money to projects long after it becomes clear that they are failing. The costs to a person who does not know when to quit can be enormous. In economics it’s known as sunk cost fallacy. While we recognize the fallacy almost immediately in others, it’s harder to see in ourselves. Why
B. In one of their studies, they put participants into either a promotion or prevention focus. Next, each participant was told to imagine that he or she was CEO of an aviation company that had committed $10 million to developing a plane that can’t be detected by radar. With the project near completion and $9 million already spent, a rival company announces the availability of their own radar-blank plane which is both superior in performance and lower in cost.

[填空题]What do we know about sea Most of us have seen it. Many of us have swum in it. We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. And we also know that the sea is full of waves. Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can (11) ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore. What causes waves Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the (12) of the water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into enormous ones. When the wind is blowing at 120 (13) per hour, most waves will be about 12 meters high. In 1933 the United States (14) the largest measured wave in history. It rose in the Pacific Ocean to a (15) of 34 meters.
[单项选择]"Do you know what the most complex mass of protoplasm (原生质) on earth is"Marian Diamond asks her students on the first day of anatomy class as she casually opens a flowery hatbox and lifts out a preserved human brain. "This mass only weighs 3 lb., and yet it has the capacity to conceive of a universe a billion light-years across. Isn’t that marvelous"
Diamond is an esteemed neuroanatomist (神经解剖学家) and one of the most admired professors at the University of California, Berkeley. It would be a privilege for anyone to sit in on her lectures. And, in fact, anyone can. Videos of her popular course are available free online, part of a growing movement by academic institutions worldwide to open their once exclusive halls to all who want to peek inside. In March,YouTube launched an education hub called YouTube Edu, dedicated exclusively to videos from the more than 100 schools--ranging from Grand Rapids Community College to Harvard Business School--that have set up official channels on the
A. Everyone can have the opportunity to tour around the campus.
B. Her university opens its door to all who want to study there.
C. Videos of her courses are now available to people online.
D. She has been touring around the world to give lectures.
[单项选择]From the interview, we can know what is the most important when you are getting old
A. Health.
B. Possessions.
C. Attitude towards aging.
D. Daily life.

Do you know what the most popular hobby is in America No matter where you go in the U. S., you will find one or more very good golf courses. Both men and women, young and old take part in this sport. Therefore, you’ll be tempted to believe that golf is the most popular hobby. However, it isn’t.
If you’ve ever been to a football game in America, you’d be surprised to see that the number of audience can be up to twenty thousand. This is certainly a large number for one event. But football is not the most popular hobby, either.
Surprisingly, the largest hobby group is made up of lovers of gardening. Some grow flowers and others grow vegetables. Everybody seems to enjoy making a lively environment with ever-green grass and beautiful flowers. Yes, home gardening offers the purest pleasure from nature. It is indeed the most popular hobby in America.

How big is the number of spectators for a football game
It coul


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