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发布时间:2024-08-26 06:21:10

[单项选择] (51) is a six bytes OSI layer 2 address which is burned into every networking device that provides its unique identity for point to point communication.
(52) is a professional organization of individuals in multiple professions which focuses on effort on lower-layer protocols.
(53) functions with two layers of protocols. It can connect networks of different speeds and can be adapted to an environment as it expands.
(54) is the popular LAN developed under the direction of the IEEE802.5.
(55) is the popular backbone technology for transmitting information at high speed with a high level of fault tolerance which is developed under the direction of ANSI.

A. Ethernet
B. Token Bus
C. Token Ring

更多"(51) is a six bytes OSI layer 2 add"的相关试题:

[单项选择] (51) is a six bytes OSI layer 2 address which is burned into every networking device that provides its unique identity for point to point communication.
(52) is a professional organization of individuals in multiple professions which focuses on effort on lower-layer protocols.
(53) functions with two layers of protocols. It can connect networks of different speeds and can be adapted to an environment as it expands.
(54) is the popular LAN developed under the direction of the IEEE802.5.
(55) is the popular backbone technology for transmitting information at high speed with a high level of fault tolerance which is developed under the direction of ANSI.

A. The MAC address
B. The IP address
C. The subnet address
D. The virtual address
[单项选择]()is the 4th layer of the OSI reference model responsible for reliable network communication between end nodes.
A. Data link layer
B. Session layer
C. Transport layer
D. Application layer
[填空题]A layer of blubber approximately six inches thick protects the whale in Arctic waters.

[单项选择]The layer of air next to the earth, which
extends upward for about 10 miles, is known
as the troposphere. On the whole, the tropo-
Line sphere makes up about 75% of all the weight
(5) of the atmosphere. It is the warmest part of
the atmosphere because most of the. solar radi-
ation is absorbed by the earth’s surface, which
warms the air immediately surrounding it. A
steady decrease of temperature with increasing
(10) elevation is a most striking characteristic of
this region, whose upper layers are colder
because of their greater distance from the
earth’s surface and because of the rapid radia-
tion of heat into space. (Temperatures within
(15) the troposphere decrease about 3.5° per
1,000-foot increase in altitude.) Within the
troposphere, winds and air currents distribute
heat and moisture. Strong winds, called jet
streams, are located at the upper levels of the
(20) troposphere. These jet s
Which country did Ms. Rice stop first in her six-nation tour of Asia since becoming US Secretary of State
[填空题]There are six tax brackets in the U. S. and which can apply to an individual is determined by______.

[单项选择]OSI参考模型的 (34) 是OSI参考模型中面向用户的一层。
A. Application Layer
B. Presentation Layer
C. Session Layer
D. Transport Layer
[单项选择]OSI参考模型的 (23) 是OSI参考模型中面向用户的一层。
A. Application Layer
B. Presentation Layer
C. Session Layer
D. Transport Layer
[简答题]下列程序的功能是:计算出自然数SIX和NINE,它们满足的条件是SIX+SIX+SIX=NINE+NINE的个数cnt,以及满足此条件的所有SIX与NINE的和sum。请编写函数countValue( )实现程序要求,最后调用函数writeDAT( )把结果cnt和sum输出到文件OUT82.DAT中。其中的S、I、X、N、E各代表一个十进制数字。
请勿改动主函数main( )和写函数writeDAT( )的内容。
#include <stdio.h>
int cnt,sum;
void writeDAT( );
void countValue( )

void main( )

countValue( );
printf("满足条件的个数=% d/n",cnt);
printf("满足条件所有的SIX与NINE的和=% d/n",sum);
writeDAT( );

void writeDAT( )

FILE * fp;
fprintf(fp,"% d/n% d/n",cnt,sum);


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