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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:00:04

[单项选择]The layer of air next to the earth, which
extends upward for about 10 miles, is known
as the troposphere. On the whole, the tropo-
Line sphere makes up about 75% of all the weight
(5) of the atmosphere. It is the warmest part of
the atmosphere because most of the. solar radi-
ation is absorbed by the earth’s surface, which
warms the air immediately surrounding it. A
steady decrease of temperature with increasing
(10) elevation is a most striking characteristic of
this region, whose upper layers are colder
because of their greater distance from the
earth’s surface and because of the rapid radia-
tion of heat into space. (Temperatures within
(15) the troposphere decrease about 3.5° per
1,000-foot increase in altitude.) Within the
troposphere, winds and air currents distribute
heat and moisture. Strong winds, called jet
streams, are located at the upper levels of the
(20) troposphere. These jet s

更多"The layer of air next to the earth,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The layer of air next to the earth, which
extends upward for about 10 miles, is known
as the troposphere. On the whole, the tropo-
Line sphere makes up about 75% of all the weight
(5) of the atmosphere. It is the warmest part of
the atmosphere because most of the. solar radi-
ation is absorbed by the earth’s surface, which
warms the air immediately surrounding it. A
steady decrease of temperature with increasing
(10) elevation is a most striking characteristic of
this region, whose upper layers are colder
because of their greater distance from the
earth’s surface and because of the rapid radia-
tion of heat into space. (Temperatures within
(15) the troposphere decrease about 3.5° per
1,000-foot increase in altitude.) Within the
troposphere, winds and air currents distribute
heat and moisture. Strong winds, called jet
streams, are located at the upper levels of the
(20) troposphere. These jet s
A. below freezing
B. about 42° colder than on the ground
C. warmer than in Interlaken
D. affected by the ionosphere
E. about 75° colder than in Interlaken
[填空题]The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plant (grow) ______ .

[单项选择]Passage 3
The air is polluted. The earth is poisoned. Water is unsafe to drink and garbage is burying the civilization that produced it.
Our environment is being polluted faster than nature man’s efforts can prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry. More people and more industry will bring us more motor-cars, larger cities, and the growing use of man made materials. This is happening not only in the advanced societies but among the developing nations as they become industrialized.
Now many scientists are worrying about the possibility of world pollution. Some experts declare that the balance of nature is being so upset that the very survival of human beings is in danger.
What can solve this problem The fact is that pollution is caused by man—by his greed and his modern way of life.
A. can’t stop our environment from being polluted
B. can speed up the development of industry
C. have failed to upset the balance of nature
D. have succeeded in fighting against pollution
[单项选择]If Earth did not rotate, differences in air pressure would be (), with winds blowing from high-pressure to low-pressure areas.
A. primary air flow to cause
B. the primary cause of air flow
C. they primarily cause air flow
D. air flow has a primary cause
  • [A] dog
  • [B] water
  • [C] cat
  • [D] earth
  • [E] air
  • [F] horse
  • [G] pig

You call its meat pork.


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