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发布时间:2024-02-06 20:12:55


How to read a proverb?
To read a proverb takes().

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[填空题]How to read a proverb
To read a proverb takes()

Define a proverb and illustrate how proverbs are related to culture in different cultures, by referring to the following groups of examples.
(1) God help those who help themselves. 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。
(2) Rats desert a sinking ship. 树倒猢狲散。


It takes a long time to grow a tree. How long Well, pine trees are the quickest growing trees, but still, they take twenty years to reach a size suitable for cutting and harvesting. An oak takes about sixty years to grow to a good size. A redwood may take hundreds of years.
Lumber companies, which make their money on trees, depend on those that grow quickly. There- fore, they are always looking for methods to make trees grow faster. So far, the secret to fast growing trees seems to lie in "super-seeds." These are seeds that are gathered from the quickest growing trees in a forest. One company searched 100,000 acres of trees and selected the seeds from just fifteen trees. These two ounces of seed were enough to plant several hundred new trees. Eventually, when these trees have grown, seeds will again be taken only from the fastest growing trees of crop. This process of artificial selection will yield, in the future, a super-tree that will grow in half the time it
A. the life span of trees
B. the age of redwoods
C. making trees grow quickly
D. cutting trees for lumber

· Read the article below about how to read annual report and the questions on the opposite page.
· For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
{{B}} How to read annual reports{{/B}}
First, turn back to the report of the certified public accountant. This third-party auditor will tell you fight off the bat if Galaxy’s report conforms with "generally accepted accounting principles". Then go to the footnotes. Check to see whether earnings are up or down. The footnotes often tell the whole story.
Then turn to the letter from the chairman, Usually addressed "to our shareholders," it’s up front -- and should be in more ways than one. The chairman’s tone reflects the personality, the well- being of the company. In this letter, the chairman shoul
A. the expressions used.
B. the explanations given by the chairman.
C. the performance of the company during the year.
D. the company’s future described by the chairman.
·Read the article below about how to read a balance sheet.
·Choose the best word from A, B, C or D to fill each gap.
·For each question 21-30 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
A balance sheet is not like a Profit and Loss ac- count, which is a record of the activity transacted in a year and the profits (or losses) produced as a result. A balance sheet can be{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of as a photograph, a moment{{U}} (22) {{/U}}time, (usually the last day of the company’s financial year), which shows exactly what the business owns. These may be buildings, cash, stocks or debts, i.e. amounts of money{{U}} (23) {{/U}}to the business by customers.
A balance sheet may change from one Year to the next if, for example, a company sells one of its facto
A. arisen
B. come
C. grown
D. brought


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