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发布时间:2023-10-17 23:54:24

· Read the following passage about successful business executives.
· Are the sentences 16-22 "Right" or "Wrong" If there isn’t enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesn’t say".
· For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
{{B}}Why Seeing Is Succeeding{{/B}}
Robert Celik of the New York Business Institute tells
There are some executives who get it right. They launch winning products, and have a feeling for what customers like and dislike. They do not depend on research or secondary information, and yet they know the market extremely well.
Take Steve Banks, developer of the best-selling personal finance software, Nicat. He had noticed how difficult it was to use existing software products, and realized there was a gap

更多"· Read the following passage about "的相关试题:

· Read the following passage about successful business executives.
· Are the sentences 16-22 "Right" or "Wrong" If there isn’t enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesn’t say".
· For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
{{B}}Why Seeing Is Succeeding{{/B}}
Robert Celik of the New York Business Institute tells
There are some executives who get it right. They launch winning products, and have a feeling for what customers like and dislike. They do not depend on research or secondary information, and yet they know the market extremely well.
Take Steve Banks, developer of the best-selling personal finance software, Nicat. He had noticed how difficult it was to use existing software products, and realized there was a gap
· Read the following article about a successful British businessman and the questions on the opposite page.
· For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.
Every year British universities turn out 15,000 graduates in business studies. Many dream that they will one day be running a major business, wielding power and influencing markets. But only a very few will climb to the top and realise their fantasies. For the rest, compromise, disappointment, mediocrity and an alternative career away from the mainstream action will be their lot. Peter Blackburn is chairman and chief executive of Nestle UK, which employs more than 12,000 people and has a turnover of £1.8 billion. His advice to those who wish to move ahead of the pack is as straightforward as the man. "Take all your qualifications seriou
A. be realistic about their abilities.
B. make sure they choose the right post.
C. improve their relations with other executives.
D. have a good educational background.
· Read the following passage about a staff development plan.
· For each question (23 -28), choose the correct answer.
· Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer sheet.
Susan Robinson looks at job swapping, a staff development plan in which employees exchange jobs for a short period.
According to a recent survey 69% of people would prefer to work for a boss who offers training and learning in the workplace. One increasingly popular project is job swapping, which gives an insight into the daily challenges facing different people in different roles.
Jane Brown is a divisional manager with Parker Bridge Ltd, and she recently swapped jobs with salary controller there. Both were then able to appreciate the problems and pressures of each other’s roles far more clearly. Brown says, "I now ha
[多项选择]Now read the passage about nuclear energy. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage.
Begin reading now.
Reading Time: 45 seconds
Nuclear Energy

Some scientists think that nuclear energy should be used. According to them, nuclear energy is nonpolluting, inexhaustible, independent from foreign pressures and it is the safest of all energy resources, because it is most closely watched. The well publicized risks have been greatly exaggerated. It should be remembered that none of the past accidents have killed or even injured one single person. The chance of dying from radiation from a nuclear plant are much smaller than the chances of being the victim of a traffic accident, of drowning, or of dying of cancer caused by smoke from other people’s cigarettes. As for the danger of accidents, it is extremely small: reactors are built to resist earthquakes much stronger than any earthquake ever known to man, and their oper


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