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发布时间:2023-10-17 19:14:34

[简答题]{{B}} ·The graph below shows the unemployment rate of the United States in the past ten years. ·Using information from the graph, write a short report describing. ·Write 120--140 words on your Answer Sheet. [*] {{/B}}

更多"{{B}} ·The graph below shows the "的相关试题:

[简答题]{{B}} · The graph below shows GDP of different countries.
· Using information from the graph, write a short report describing.
· Write 120--140 words on your Answer Sheet.{{/B}}
[单项选择]The figure below Shows a record used for recording information about a named event. Which of the following statement is incorrect ( ) VAR r: RECORD event: ARRAY[1.. 10] of Char; place: ARRAY[1.. 20] of RECORD plname: ARRAY[1.. 15]of Char; date: ARRAY[1.. 5] of RECORD mo: 1.. 12; day: 1..31; year: Integer END END END;
A. This is a one—dimensional array of records, also called a table
B. The event can occur in up to 20 places and on up to 5 different dates in each place
C. This is so called record of arrays
D. A reference to place, date, mo will access the month of the jth occurrence, in the ith place, of the event named in event
[单项选择]The figure below shows a record used for recording information about a named event. Which of the following statement is incorrect    VAR r:record          event:array[1..10] of char;          place:array[1..20] of record                       plname:array[1..15] of char;                       date: array[1..5] of record                                    mo:l..12;                                    day:l..31;                                    year:integer                                   end                      end          end;
A. This is a one-dimensional array of records, also called a tabl
B. This is so called record of arrays;
C. The event can occur in up to 20 places and on up to 5 different dates in each plac
D. A reference to placdatmo will access the month of the jth occurrence, in the ith place, of
[简答题]图表作文 图表instruction The table below shows the cocoa bean production in six different regions between 1992 and 1998. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
[多项选择]· The bar chart below shows the unit sales of men and women’s wear in the Pacific Department Store for the four quarters of 2009.
· Using the information from the bar chart, write a short report describing and comparing the sales report for the men and women’s wear in 2009.
· Write 120-140 words.
[简答题]图表种类 柱状图 图表instruction The chart below shows the result of a survey about the most important factors to success in business of the people in Europe and the USA. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 图表要素回忆 柱状图,比较欧洲和美国人认为在business上的获得成功的5个因素;信息量不大且是静态的条形图。
[简答题]图表种类 曲线图 图表instruction The graph below shows the average monthly salary in Japan from 1953 to 1973, together with the prices of the black and white TV and colour TV during the same period. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 图表要素回忆 一共出现3条线,分别代表日本平均月工资以及黑白和彩色电视的价格;描述过程中要牢记不仅做到单条线的变化趋势的细节介绍,更要留意3条线之间的关系和比较;尤其是遇到特殊关系比较时一定要重点标出。
{{B}}· Look at the list below. It shows the contents page from a directory of business services.
· For questions 6-10, decide which section (A-H) of the directory each organisation on the opposite page should consult.
· For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not use any letter more than once.{{/B}}
A Translation services
B Maps and plans - paper and other media
C Multimedia - electronic publishing
D Music publishing - CDs, audio and video cassettes
E Plastic cards - credit cards, ID cards, etc.
F Business publishing - corporate brochures, documents, etc.
G Design of promotional stickers, labels and signs
H Technical publishing - product manuals, etc.
Foresight, a manufacturer of audio equipment, is launching a new range of CD players and needs accompanying instruction booklets.
· Look at the advertisement below. It shows reports offered by a company.
· For questions 6-10, decide which report (A-H) would be suitable for each information.
· For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not use any letter more than once.
{{B}}Bright Trade Co., Ltd
Annual Report{{/B}}
A. Chairman’s statement E. Company organigram
B. National sales reports F. Auditor’s report
C. Review of subsidiaries G. Profit and loss account
D. Changes in key personnel H. Balance sheet
A statement of the company’s income and expenses.
· Look at the notice below, which shows the different divisions of a manufacturing company.
· For questions 11 - 15, decide where each person should go.
· For each sentence, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not use any letter more than once.
A. Production line E. Quality control
B. Warehouse F. Packing line
C. Dispatch G. Canteen
D. Research & Development H. Washrooms
Michael needs to check the quality of the storage facilities.


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International Comparisons
United Kingdom
United States
GDP (% chg.from same quarter a year earlier)