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发布时间:2023-10-21 19:58:06

[填空题]Definition of controlling reflects a democratic aspect of management.

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[填空题]Definition of controlling reflects a democratic aspect of management.

[填空题]Participant observation also reflects anthropology’s dual nature as both a scientific and a humanistic discipline (学科). Through the stress on participation and getting the insider’s view, anthropologists of (36) become personally involved with their subjects. They show a humanistic concern for the people they study, and (37) their attempts to understand and describe people’s behavior they help give outsiders a rich appreciation for other people and others’ ways. (38) , with its stress on observation, anthropologists strive to fulfill the requirements of a scientific discipline. Anthropologists strive for objectivity and accuracy. They often (39) count, for example, the number of times specific behavior patterns occur and under what (40) ;they use this data for empirical (经验主义的) studies that integrate their observations into general laws of human behavior.
Understanding anthropology requires understanding its dual nature. Per
[简答题]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论

Making comparisons 进行比较
[简答题]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论

Proposing solutions 提出解决办法
[多项选择]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论
Describing similar products 描述类似产品
[填空题]Controlling our physical reactions and our thoughts is an effective means of managing stress.
[简答题]The way in which people use social space reflects their social relationships and their ethnic identity. Children often sleep with parents, and brothers or sisters share a bed. Early immigrants to America from Europe brought with them a collective style of living, which they retained until late in the 18th century. Historical records document a group-oriented existence, in which one room was used for eating, entertaining guests, and sleeping. People ate soups from a communal pot, shared drinking cups, and used a common pit toilet. In Mexico, the meaning and organization of domestic space is strikingly different. With the development of ideas about individualism, people soon began to shift to the use of individual cups and plates and the use of private toilets. They began to build their houses with separate rooms to entertain guests, separate bedrooms for sleeping, separate work areas, and separate bathrooms.
Controlling Robots with the Mind


Belle, our tiny monkey, was seated in her special chair inside a chamber at our Duke University lab. Her right hand grasped a joystick (操纵杆) as she watched a horizontal series of lights on a display panel. She knew that if a light suddenly shone and she moved the joystick left or right to correspond to its position, she would be sent a drop of fruit juice into her mouth.
Belle wore a cap glued to her head. Under it were four plastic connectors, which fed arrays of microwires—each wire finer than the finest sewing thread—into different regions of Belle’s motor cortex (脑皮层), the brain tissue that plans movements and sends instructions. Each of the 100 microwires lay beside a single motor neuron (神经元). When a neuron produced an electrical discharge, the adjacent microwire would capture the current and send it up through a small wiring bundle that ran f
A. a plastic box next door
B. a computer at Cambridge University
C. a box of electronics in the booth
D. a box which, in turn, was linked to two computers

Controlling Robots with the Mind

Belle, our tiny monkey, was seated in her special chair inside a chamber at our Duke University lab. Her right hand grasped a joystick (操纵杆) as she watched a horizontal series of lights on a display panel. She knew that if a light suddenly shone and she moved the joystick left or right to correspond to its position, she would be sent a drop of fruit juice into her mouth.
Belle wore a cap glued to her head. Under it were four plastic connectors, which fed arrays of microwires—each wire finer than the finest sewing thread—into different regions of Belle’s motor cortex (脑皮层), the brain tissue that plans movements and sends instructions. Each of the 100 microwires lay beside a single motor neuron (神经元). When a neuron produced an electrical discharge, the adjacent microwire would capture the current and send it up through a small wiring bundle that ran from Belle’s c
A. grasped the joystick
B. moved the joystick to the side of the light
C. sat quietly in a special chair
D. watched lights on a display panel

[多项选择]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论
Analyzing your competitors 分析自己的竞争对手
[简答题]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论

Stating your position 陈述自己的态度
[多项选择]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论
Pushing your point 强调自己的论点
[多项选择]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论
Standing your ground 坚持自己的立场


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