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发布时间:2024-08-01 02:45:28

[单项选择]About thirty years ago, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned employment decisions that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. To avoid legal penalties, companies created affirmative action programs. These programs became highly controversial, for they were seen by some as a form of reverse discrimination. Both praised and condemned, affirmative action programs remain in effect.
Since the passage of Title VII, the United States has undergone a major demographic shift. California will soon have a population of 50 percent Hispanic American and nonwhite. More than half of the nation’s work force now consists of minorities, immigrants, and women; white, native-born males, though still dominant, has become a statistical minority. In addition, about 80 percent of new workers are not white males.
Affirmative action relied heavily on assimilation, the process by which minorities are absorbed into the dominant culture. Generally, assim
A. in which the minorities and women are discriminated against.
B. by which companies tackle their problems of gender and racial discrimination.
C. in which the white people suffer discrimination in employment.
D. that goes against the affirmative action programs.

更多"About thirty years ago, Title VII o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]About thirty years ago, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned employment decisions that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. To avoid legal penalties, companies created affirmative action programs. These programs became highly controversial, for they were seen by some as a form of reverse discrimination. Both praised and condemned, affirmative action programs remain in effect.
Since the passage of Title VII, the United States has undergone a major demographic shift. California will soon have a population of 50 percent Hispanic American and nonwhite. More than half of the nation’s work force now consists of minorities, immigrants, and women; white, native-born males, though still dominant, has become a statistical minority. In addition, about 80 percent of new workers are not white males.
Affirmative action relied heavily on assimilation, the process by which minorities are absorbed into the dominant culture. Generally, assim
A. To ensure a smooth shift of population.
B. To do away with any kind of discrimination.
C. To help companies create the affirmative action programs.
D. To guard against reverse discrimination.
[单项选择]More than a hundred years ago, before the Civil War, a crew of cowboys stood outside a large horse corral, With them was their boss Bradford Grimes, a cattleman, who owned a large South Texas ranch near the Gulf of Mexico.
Just then, Mrs. Grimes, the cattleman’s wife, came to the ranch house door and cried out, "Bradford! Bradford! Those Blacks are worth a thousand dollars apiece. One might get killed." The cowboys laughed, but they knew she was telling the truth. For they were all Black slaves. Bradford Grimes was their owner.
Most of the first Black cowboys were slaves, brought by their masters from the old South. On the plantations in the South, the slaves cut cotton. On the ranches in Texas they had to learn a new trade—breaking horses and handling long-horns. Some were taught by Mexican vaqueros, some by Indiana who knew the ways of horses and cattle.
Grimes was only one of hundreds of slaveowning ranchers who ran cattle in Texas. The ranchers had brought their fami
A. had been brought to Texas by their owners from the old south
B. came on their own to look for the promised land
C. came from ranches in Mexico looking for work on Texas cattle ranches
D. came from Africa
[单项选择]A. Five years ago. B. Four years ago.
C. Six years ago. D. Not long ago.
[简答题]VII. (Civil and Commercial Law) Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams set off an international firestorm1 on February 7, 2008 by suggesting that some “accommodation” of Muslim family law was “unavoidable” in England. His suggestion, though carefully qualified, prompted more than 250 articles in the world press within a month, the vast majority denouncing it. England, his critics charged, will be beset by “licensed polygamy,” barbaric procedures, and brutal violence against women encased in suffocating burkas(穆斯林妇女穿的长袍). Critics proclaimed that Muslim citizens of a Western democracy will be subject to legally ghettoized Muslim courts immune from civil appeal or constitutional challenge. Consider Nigeria, Pakistan, and other former English colonies that have sought to balance Muslim Shari’a (伊斯兰教法) with the common law, other critics added. The horrific excesses and chronic human rights violations of their religious courts—even ordering the faithful to stone innocent rape victims for di
A. A.Archbishop Rowan Williams sets an international firestorm
B.Critics to Archbishop Rowan Williams’ suggestion
C.England can not accept Muslim family law
D.Religious laws and state laws on the family simply cannot coexist

[单项选择]Passage Three
Three years ago, researchers announced the discovery of human genes that were capable of turning ordinary cells into malignant ones. The news met with some skepticism. Experts asked how a single gene could cause such a dramatic change. Why does cancer take years or even decades to develop if it is caused by such a simple and direct process In last week’s issue of the, three research teams answered those questions by setting forth a new model for understanding the role of oncogenes in cancer.
Each group found that it does in fact take more than a single gene to produce cancer in normal cells. Teams at M. I. T and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, N. Y. , reported that they could induce cancer in normal rat cells only by inserting at least two types of oncogene into the cells. "A single oncogene produced some changes,
A. was caused by normal cells
B. sometimes resulted from internal actions of the victim’s own body
C. was a hereditary disease
D. was a form of malignancy


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