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发布时间:2024-06-11 23:07:46

[简答题]VII. (Civil and Commercial Law) Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams set off an international firestorm1 on February 7, 2008 by suggesting that some “accommodation” of Muslim family law was “unavoidable” in England. His suggestion, though carefully qualified, prompted more than 250 articles in the world press within a month, the vast majority denouncing it. England, his critics charged, will be beset by “licensed polygamy,” barbaric procedures, and brutal violence against women encased in suffocating burkas(穆斯林妇女穿的长袍). Critics proclaimed that Muslim citizens of a Western democracy will be subject to legally ghettoized Muslim courts immune from civil appeal or constitutional challenge. Consider Nigeria, Pakistan, and other former English colonies that have sought to balance Muslim Shari’a (伊斯兰教法) with the common law, other critics added. The horrific excesses and chronic human rights violations of their religious courts—even ordering the faithful to stone innocent rape victims for di
A. A.Archbishop Rowan Williams sets an international firestorm
B.Critics to Archbishop Rowan Williams’ suggestion
C.England can not accept Muslim family law
D.Religious laws and state laws on the family simply cannot coexist

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[简答题]VII. (Civil and Commercial Law) Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams set off an international firestorm1 on February 7, 2008 by suggesting that some “accommodation” of Muslim family law was “unavoidable” in England. His suggestion, though carefully qualified, prompted more than 250 articles in the world press within a month, the vast majority denouncing it. England, his critics charged, will be beset by “licensed polygamy,” barbaric procedures, and brutal violence against women encased in suffocating burkas(穆斯林妇女穿的长袍). Critics proclaimed that Muslim citizens of a Western democracy will be subject to legally ghettoized Muslim courts immune from civil appeal or constitutional challenge. Consider Nigeria, Pakistan, and other former English colonies that have sought to balance Muslim Shari’a (伊斯兰教法) with the common law, other critics added. The horrific excesses and chronic human rights violations of their religious courts—even ordering the faithful to stone innocent rape victims for di
A. A.was raising fundamental questions of human rights for all.
B.was not calling for the establishment of independent Muslim courts in England.
C.was not calling for enforcement of Shari’a by English courts.
D.raised questions relating to marital, cultural, and religious identity.

[简答题]In relation to the Civil Procedures Law of China: (a) explain the rules on territorial jurisdiction of the Chinese people’s court over a civil case against a natural person and a legal person respectively; (4 marks)
[多项选择]In relation to the Civil Procedure Law of China:(b) state the major legal characteristics of exclusive jurisdiction, in terms of: (i) the basis of exclusive jurisdiction; and (4 marks) (ii) the effect of the rule of exclusive jurisdiction. (4 marks)
[多项选择]In relation to the Civil Procedure Law of China:(a) explain the term exclusive jurisdiction; (2 marks)
[简答题]The Civil Law System
[简答题]Under civil law, explain the rights of the parties to a contract of mandate. (10 marks)
[简答题]In terms of Maltese civil law, explain the principal rights and obligations of the mandator and mandatary vis-à-vis each other. (10 marks)
[填空题]Thomas Malthus was an Anglican clergyman.
[简答题]Commercial Invoice
[简答题]Soft law


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