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发布时间:2024-07-28 06:16:43

[单项选择]A: My apartment is only 10 minutes’ walk from the office. Why don’t you drop by some timeB: ( ).
A. Because I didn’t know you live so close by.
B. Because I didn’t want to bother you.
C. I’d love to. Can I take my roommate along
D. That’s OK. I’ll be there soon.

更多"A: My apartment is only 10 minutes’"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A: My apartment is only 10 minutes’ walk from the office. Why don’t you drop by some timeB: ( ).
A. Because I didn’t know you live so close by.
B. Because I didn’t want to bother you.
C. I’d love to. Can I take my roommate along
D. That’s OK. I’ll be there soon.

How long does it take to walk from here to the bank (minutes)
[单项选择]My grandfather lived only half a mile away from where I grew up in New York. Every day, he would walk down to our house and bring my dad newspapers. Along with the papers he would bring a small bag of treats for my two brothers and me.
Western NY had terrible winter weather: rain, sleet, or even 3 feet of snow. Even when he was 81, he still walked the half mile every single day. As a child, I looked forward to the daily treats, but now I’m older and I realize he braved the rough weather each day just to see us smile; I now value that more than anything else.
My grandfather touched many lives. A woman who had been in hospital for five years told me her story. She said my grandfather would visit her twice a week at her home: to read to her, play bridge, or just chat. It lasted for years without stop. She had few visitors. Even a hitchhiker who my grandfather had picked up for free told me of my grandfather’s influence on his life. My grandfather took the traveler to his
A. bring his son newspapers
B. give his grandsons some food
C. take exercise by walking
D. see his son and grandchildren
[填空题]Global warming only results from rapid increases in emissions of greenhouse gases.

Only one animal can walk 200 miles without stopping once to rest. It would take a person two days and two nights to walk this far, and only one man has ever done it without stopping. What amazing animal has such endurance The camel! The camel is well known for something else, too. It can cross an entire desert without a single drink of water. Its body is built in a special way to help it store water and food.
A person has just one stomach, but a camel has quite a few. Within each stomach are layers and layers of cells. These cells are like tiny water balloons, storing liquids until the camel needs them. When the camel drinks, the ceils grow larger and larger. For a whole week, they can keep the animal’s thirst away by sending water to all parts of its body.
And did you ever wonder why the camel has a hump The hump is a storage place for fat. Because it has this storage area, the camel does not need to eat very often. When the animal needs energy, the layers
A. sunny
B. flat
C. dry
D. sandy


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