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发布时间:2024-08-01 00:20:48

[单项选择]Article one: Point out stereotypes and cultural misinformation depicted in movies, TV shows, computer games and other media. Challenge bias when it comes from friends and family members. Do not let the moment pass. Begin with a qualified statement: " Andrew just called people of XYZ faith ’’lunatics’’. What do you think about that, Zoe" Let children do most of the talking. Article Two: For teens, group identity is critical. Remind them, however, that; (A) Pride in our own group does not mandate disrespect for other groups; (B ) Our group does not deserve privileges not available to other groups; (C) Other groups have just as much humanity as do ours; and ( D ) We should avoid putting other groups down as a way to elevate the status of our own group. Article Three: Look critically at how a child defines "normal". Expand the definition. Attend religious services at a variety of houses of worship. Visit playgrounds where a variety of children are present — people of d

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[单项选择]Article one: Point out stereotypes and cultural misinformation depicted in movies, TV shows, computer games and other media. Challenge bias when it comes from friends and family members. Do not let the moment pass. Begin with a qualified statement: " Andrew just called people of XYZ faith ’’lunatics’’. What do you think about that, Zoe" Let children do most of the talking. Article Two: For teens, group identity is critical. Remind them, however, that; (A) Pride in our own group does not mandate disrespect for other groups; (B ) Our group does not deserve privileges not available to other groups; (C) Other groups have just as much humanity as do ours; and ( D ) We should avoid putting other groups down as a way to elevate the status of our own group. Article Three: Look critically at how a child defines "normal". Expand the definition. Attend religious services at a variety of houses of worship. Visit playgrounds where a variety of children are present — people of d
[单项选择]Through communication, some elements of one culture may enter another culture and become part of that culture. This phenomenon is called ( ).
A. cultural overlap
B. cultural imperialism
C. cultural diffusion
D. cultural expansion
[简答题]Which is the odd one out LUTIP ONACRATIN ONPYE SORE MEL

One out of many important things for the whole family to do is to have dinner together. Researchers began reporting the benefits of family dinner about a decade ago, focusing mainly on how it affects children. Studies show that those families who eat dinner at least 3 or 4 times a week together, benefit in many ways.
Eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relationships. Children have better grades at school and are better adjusted as teens and adults, and the entire family enjoys healthier nutrition. For many families, eating dinner together proves to be a good and effective way to reduce the risk of youth rates of addiction, and helps to raise healthier children. It is also a great time to share the events of the day, discuss news and ideas and just be together and enjoy each other’s company.

When did researchers begin reporting the benefits of family dinner
Researchers begin reporting th
[判断题]One out of four married couples have divorced in America.
[单项选择]In West Virginia and in New York, one out of four students drops out of high school. In Washington, DC, the (47) are even worse. One half of all high school students never (48) Nationwide, the overall dropout rate is (49) 29%. Many say they drop out because they are bored. Because of this, U.S. educators are trying to figure out a way to stop this (50) trend. In Milwaukee, some schools are having lotteries for used cars for students who stay in school. In Philadelphia, at-risk students are being (51) summer jobs for staying in school. But in a New Jersey high school, one principal is using money, not jobs, as an incentive (刺激). This school received a hundred thousand dollar (52) to pay students who are at risk of dropping out. When these students go to school on time, bring their notebooks, and do their homework, they (53) five dollars a day. This means students can bring home a twenty-five dollar check every week for going to classes five days in a row. While the pr


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