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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:46:59

[单项选择]Why bother with the study of history What possible connections exist between an increasingly remote past and our own predicaments (困境) in the present Can stories about other peoples in other places at any other times have any meaning in an age of vaulting (飞速发展的) technology and traumatizing (惊人) change Is it reasonable to think that anyone can benefit from the experiences of others in a presumably unprecedented (前所未有的) time when our political and economic systems falter (踉跄), and the nuclear, peril causes nightmares of dread These questions hold more than rhetorical importance and compel serious answers. Undergraduates in all programs of study need to know what they can hope to learn and how their experiences will affect their capacity to think and act creatively in the future.
Skeptics have often argued that a knowledge of history will not provide much help. The American industrialist Henry Ford characterized history as "bunk". Although the observation probably tells more a
A. difficulties encountered in writing history of any kind
B. a comparison of varions approaches and attitudes to history as a science
C. a summary of functions of writing history
D. the improbability of writing and convincing and detailed history

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[单项选择]Why bother with the study of history What possible connections exist between an increasingly remote past and our own predicaments (困境) in the present Can stories about other peoples in other places at any other times have any meaning in an age of vaulting (飞速发展的) technology and traumatizing (惊人) change Is it reasonable to think that anyone can benefit from the experiences of others in a presumably unprecedented (前所未有的) time when our political and economic systems falter (踉跄), and the nuclear, peril causes nightmares of dread These questions hold more than rhetorical importance and compel serious answers. Undergraduates in all programs of study need to know what they can hope to learn and how their experiences will affect their capacity to think and act creatively in the future.
Skeptics have often argued that a knowledge of history will not provide much help. The American industrialist Henry Ford characterized history as "bunk". Although the observation probably tells more a
A. a narrow bed
B. real knowledge
C. a useful discipline of study
D. nonsense

Why bother with the study of history What possible connections exist between an increasingly remote past and our own predicaments (困境) in the present Can stories about other peoples in other places at any other times have any meaning in an age of vaulting (飞速发展的) technology and traumatizing (惊人) change Is it reasonable to think that anyone can benefit from the experiences of others in a presumably unprecedented (前所未有的) time when our political and economic systems falter (踉跄), and the nuclear, peril causes nightmares of dread These questions hold more than rhetorical importance and compel serious answers. Undergraduates in all programs of study need to know what they can hope to learn and how their experiences will affect their capacity to think and act creatively in the future.
Skeptics have often argued that a knowledge of history will not provide much help. The American industrialist Henry Ford characterized history as "bunk". Although the observation probably
A. difficulties encountered in writing history of any kind
B. a comparison of varions approaches and attitudes to history as a science
C. a summary of functions of writing history
D. the improbability of writing and convincing and detailed history

[简答题]Part 1study What are the most popular subjects in China Why did you choose that university Do you think it’s important to choose a subject you like What are your future work plans What foreign languages have you studied Why did you choose to study that language How did you learn that language Would you say it’s a difficult language to learn Do you think it’s important to know more than one language Besides English, have you studied any other languages
[单项选择]Study after study has shown what has come to be known as an "empathy gap" in people. In its simplest form, this means that when we are happy we have trouble identifying with someone who is sad, or when we’re angry we have difficulty understanding why someone is content. Basically, our ability to empathise with another person is dependent on the state we ourselves are in, and this has some interesting implications for public policy.
A recent study by Loran Nordgren of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, Mary-Hunter Morris of Harvard Law School, and George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University, examined the empathy gap with regard to torture policy. Man’s propensity to turn monster has long been of interest to behaviourists and psychologists. Witness Philip Zimbardo’s prison experiment, or Stanley Milgram’s shock experiment. Both of those studies, along with many others, support the idea that our actions depend as much on context as on any inherent dispositio
A. We are hostile to those who win over us in sports competition.
B. We share our happiness and bear infliction in the road toward success.
C. We bring our fury under control when other people rebuke us.
D. We believe there is neither everlasting friendship nor eternal enmity.
[单项选择]Why should we bother reading a book All children say this occasionally. Many among our educated classes are also asking why, in a world of accelerating technology, increasing time poverty and diminishing attention spans, should they invest precious time sinking into a good book
The beginnings of an answer lie in the same technology that has posed the question. Psychologists from Washington University used brain scans to see what happens inside our heads when we read stories. They found that "readers mentally simulate each new situation encountered in a narrative". The brain weaves these situations together with experiences from its own life to create a new mental synthesis. Reading a book leaves us with new neural pathways.
The discovery that our brains are physically changed by the experience of reading is something many of us will understand instinctively, as we think back to the way an
A. stay far away from modern technology
B. immerse himself in reading books
C. abandon his old way of viewing the world
D. listen more to the emotional chatter of the real world


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