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发布时间:2023-10-22 11:41:55


Settlers and manufactured products were usually transported from west to east.

更多"Settlers and manufactured products "的相关试题:

[填空题]Doctors who behaved in a fraudulent manner were treated in the same way as ordinary criminals during the Tang era.

(63) Enthusiasm about a job or project usually translates into positive energy. That is, if you are excited about a project, you will be anxious to get started and get results. (64) The mere fact of looking forward to your work will help make you more productive and effective. (65) You will plan more effectively and pay careful attention to detail. You will carry out your plan more carefully and aim for the best results possible. Another important point is that passionate people are usually those that are thrust into positions of leadership. A leader must inspire his troops. To inspire them, he needs to be enthusiastic. In leaders, this translates into charisma (个人魅力). (66) Being passionate about your work shows a willingness to do more and learn more. (67) This will definitely help you stand out from the crowd and get top management’s attention. (From Enthusiasm Leads to Success)

Enthusiasm about a job or project usually transla
[多项选择]Their products were excellent and many customers remained loyal.
But if ______

The city water pipes in Rome were usually of baked clay or lead; copper was sometimes used and also hollowed stone. For the large supply conduits leading to the city the Romans used covered channels with free water surfaces, rather than pipes. Perhaps this choice was a matter of economics, for apparently they could make lead pipes up to 15 inches in diameter. While pipes can follow the profile of undulating ground, with the pressure increasing in the lower areas, channels cannot. They must slope continuously downwards, because water in channels does not normally flow uphill; and the grade must be flat, from 1 in 60 in small channels to perhaps 1 in 3,000 in large ones, to keep the water speed down to a few feet per second. Thus the main supply channels or aqueducts had long lengths of flat grade and where they crossed depressions or valleys they were carried on elevated stone bridges in the form of tiered arches. At the beginning of the Christian era there were over 30 miles of t
A. earth
B. wood
C. copper
D. stone

[单项选择]Why were female cats usually employed by the Post Office
A. They could work for 24 hours a day.
B. They were worse hunters.
C. They were more persistent hunters.
D. They worked the whole night.
[单项选择]What were the more advanced countries among the troubled ones doing before the crisis
A. They were having change in economic structure and export specialization.
B. They were having smooth political change.
C. They were taking a floating exchange rate instead of a hybrid on
[单项选择] tR


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