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发布时间:2024-07-03 03:10:34

[单项选择] Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subject—and studied the brain—say that they are. Three quarters of the bright but speech-delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to math and other analytical subject and to music. Black, white and Asian children in this group show the same patterns. However, it is clear that blacks have been greatly overrepresented in the development of American popular music and greatly underrepresented in such fields as mathematics, science and engineering. If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related, how can there be this great discrepancy One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities requires years of formal training, as has happened with a number of well-known black musicians. It is precisely i
A. It requires formal training.
B. It is often enjoyed by those with strong analytical ability.
C. It is disliked by blacks.
D. It is more difficult to learn than classical music.

更多"Mathematical ability and musical ab"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subject—and studied the brain—say that they are. Three quarters of the bright but speech-delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to math and other analytical subject and to music. Black, white and Asian children in this group show the same patterns. However, it is clear that blacks have been greatly overrepresented in the development of American popular music and greatly underrepresented in such fields as mathematics, science and engineering. If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related, how can there be this great discrepancy One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities requires years of formal training, as has happened with a number of well-known black musicians. It is precisely i
A. Mathematical ability and musical ability are connected.
B. Mathematical ability has more to do with the brain than musical ability.
C. More people are good at music than math.
D. More research should be done into the relationship between mathematical ability and musical ability.
[单项选择]Apart from Evelyn Glennie’s musical ability, what does the critic say about her personality
A. Helpful.
B. Generous.
C. Honest.
D. Pleasing.
[单项选择]The mathematical model recommended by Britain’s National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) predicted that the screening programme would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women, 18 of them fatal. The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 cancers.
The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is "not very significant" compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated. The Valencia programme, they say, detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened.
The model recommended by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation would probably cause ______ cancers in 100,000 women screened.
A. 300
B. 450
C. 36
D. 20
[填空题]Great importance (attach)()to the ability of the students’ using a computer.

After 20 years of marriage, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a (26) for words How can she (27) the names of a couple they met on (28) years ago Now we know (29) to tell him: it’s her brain.Although there are obviously cultural (30) for the differences in emotions and behavior, (31) breakthrough research reveals that the (32) of many puzzling differences between men and women may (33) in the head. Men’s and women’s brains (34) much in common, but they are definitely not the same (35) size, structure or insight. Broadly speaking, a woman’s brain, like her body, is ten to fifteen per cent smaller than a man’s, (36) the regions dedicated to language may be more densely (37) with brain ceils.
Girls generally speak earlier and read faster. The reason may be (38) females use both sides of
A. which 
B. why 
C. that 
D. whether


Take a look around on October 12, because it may seem a bit more crowded. On that day, or thereabouts, Earth’ s population will reach six billion. Although no one knows exactly when baby number six billion will arrive, the United Nations picked October 12 to mark the event, which is almost certain to occur before the end of 1999.
Six billion is a milestone (里程碑). The 20th century began with world population under two billion. We’ ye added the last billion people in only 12 years.
Most of the increase these days takes place in the developing world. Birthrates have remained at low levels in Europe and North A- merica. In the developing world the over all rate of increase is 1.7 percent a year, which would double its population in 40 years.

Which of the following statements is TRUE( ).
A. The earth became crowded on October 12, 1999.
B. Earth’s population has been doubled.
C. Baby number six billion was born on October 12, 1999.
D. The developing world may be responsible (应负负的) for the increasingly crowded world.

M: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the May Square
W: Oh, it’s far from here. You may get there by taxi.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers ( )
A. Friends.
B. Strangers.
C. Classmates.

If a man loses the ability to recognize his left side he will lose feeling on his both sides.
[单项选择]Although computers can enhance people’s ability to communicate, computer games are a cause of underdeveloped communication skills in children. After-school hours spent playing computer games are hours not spent talking with people. Therefore, children who spend all their spare time playing these games have less experience in interpersonal communication than other children have.
The argument depends on which of the following assumptions
A. Passive activities such as watching television and listening to music do not hinder the development of communication skills in children.
B. Most children have other opportunities, in addition to after-school hours, in which they can choose whether to play computer games or to interact with other people.
C. Children who do not spend all of their after-school hours playing computer games spend at least some of that time talking with other people.
D. Formal instruction contributes little or nothing to children’s acquisition of communication skills.
E. (E) The mental skills developed through playing computer games do not contribute significantly to children’s intellectual development.
[简答题]S7. In the Cantonese musical, Sandy Lam and Kit Chan played the roles of ______.
[填空题]USAID will strengthen women’s ability to resist HIV/AIDS.


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