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发布时间:2023-10-22 20:38:35

[单项选择]A. Put the homework on Don’s desk.
B. Leave the master key for Don.
C. Give Don’s students the next assignment.
D. Call Don at the end of the afternoon.

更多"A. Put the homework on Don’s desk. "的相关试题:


W: Where did you say you put the glasses
M: I didn’t say, but keep looking till you find them.

Where did the man say he put his glasses( ).
A. In the cupboard.
B. On the desk.
C. He couldn’t remember exactly.
[填空题]Why don’t most people put their dependent spouses into nursing homes
[简答题]Three proposals have been put forth, but I don’t agree to all these proposals.
[单项选择]What’s Don’s problem()
A. He can’t find the key to his car.
B. He misplaced some exams.
C. He is unable to talk.
D. He doesn’t like his classes.

W: How did Carol’s cake turn out
M: I don’t know. Why don’t we try some and see

What does the man say about the cake()
A. It’s Carol’s turn to bake one.
B. He doesn’t know when Carol baked it.
C. He would like to taste it.

W: Frank, what’s your hobby
M: I don’t really have one. I suppose that bowling is the closest thing to a hobby that I have.
W: How about the other people in your family
M: Well, my son likes collecting stamps and my wife has a garden. She spends mi hour or so every day working in it. How about you
W: I have several hobbies but collecting coins is the one I like best. I have coins from almost every country. My favorite one is from China.
M: Have you ever been to China
W: I want to someday. So far I’ve been to Canada, Mexico and Japan. Why don’t you have a real hobby Are you lazy
M: I like bowling but it’s kind of expensive. The real reason I don’t have a hobby is that I don’t have the time.
W: Oh, come on, Frank. You aren’t that busy, are you
M: Yes, I am. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Being a traveling salesman is harder than you thi
A. Gardening.
B. Bowling.
C. Collecting stamps.
D. Painting.

[简答题]I don’t think that they will put off the trip.

[填空题]You must put a s______ on the letter before posting it.
[单项选择]Don’t put the chair too close to the stove. Dry wood ______ fire easily, you know.
A. lights
B. burns
C. makes
D. catches
[单项选择]—Don’t put the waste on the ground, young man. —Oh, I’m sorry. I ______ the dustbin there.
A. hadn’t seen
B. didn’t see
C. can’t see
D. wasn’t seeing


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